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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I hope if your sister and husband visit it is a nice visit @Emelia8 🤗🙏💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thank you @outlander @BlueBay @Snowie @Shaz51 🐶🌺 I am more relieved than I can tell you, about my little Holly. I really had been thinking the worst.

@Eve7... my dear friend, you will likely be on your way to Adelaide by now. I hope the visit goes really well. And a huge thumbs up (your news came too late for the Thursday thumbs up) for being appointed manager for the next 3 weeks. Clearly you are deserving and its great that you have been rewarded with this opportunity. I hope it goes really well for you. Yes ... I too am looking forward to a reduction in post-radiation side effects over the coming weeks. Its been pretty hard, since surgery ... the pain and recovery from that, hindered by a shoulder rotator cuff injury. Then just when I was feeling comfortable again, the radiation started it all up again. So its been a bit of a roller coaster ride. Hopefully from now on though, things will improve. Just gotta get my head around this oral chemo tablet. I have to decide if the horrible side effects are worth an approximate 60% reduction in the likelihood of a cancer recurrence.

Awwww @Anastasia ... That is so lovely. Not much I can say really. Other than, thank you so much ... I feel the same. You are one in a million, and I love you heaps.

I just got a text from my sister to say that she is about to head up here. Her husband is not coming with her, so it will be just my sister. Her hubby is a strange fellow. Anyway, she will be here for lunch, which is nice. Its very wet here, right the way from where she is staying, all the way to here and further north. So I told her to be very careful on her 2 hour drive. Her hubby has one of those fancy little low sporty cars ... porche I think it is. So I hope she is careful.

She has brought with her, my Mums collection of garden meerkats. She asked me if there was anything I'd like her to bring up with her from Mum and Dads. There really wasnt. My brother has been stacking, packing, culling etc Dads old home now that he is living with my brother. But much of it is going into storage until everyone decides what to do with it. Mum had a love of meerkats, which I share. And she has a lovely collection of meerkat families, etc. I asked both my sister, brother, SIL and Dad if they wanted them. They didnt, so I said I would like to have them. They had lived on my Mum and Dads back porch. My sister has collected them and will deliver them here today. I will find a nice new home here for them. They are worthless really, but I love them and I know Mum did too. So that will give me a bit of a lift today.

Emelia 💞🤗

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Morning hun @Emelia8 

Hoping you have a nice day sweetie.


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Currently at the airport with S2 who is coming with me as it’s his birthday @Emelia8 

I was going for a sporting event which has been postponed due to SA closing it’s border to Vic. I decided to go anyway as I was over dealing with airline changes. Staying with family so no cost there.;

Everyone is masked up unless eating so we might get some food.

I’ll wave to you as I fly over NSW!

Have fun setting up your meerkats 


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Smiling while reading about the meerkat collection @Emelia8 what a lovely thing to be able to take from your Mum and dads. Enjoy your lunch together, it's kind of soup weather here eh?

My brother and his partner are coming for lunch today too.... they are cooking though, so that will be nice 🙂


@Eve7 safe travels my friend and enjoy the time with your friends 🙂

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thanks @Bow i hope your weekend goes well and there is some goodness in it for you.


Lots of love to you 


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

So happy you are going to take care of your Mum's meercats, I'll join you on the verandah one day for a cuppa 🤗🐾

We visited the zoo last week and bf took some lovely photos of the meercats. I don't have any to share but found this one for you x

I hope lunch goes well Em x



Enjoy SA @Eve7 it's my place of birth 😉


Enjoy your lunch too @Bow 😊



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thank you @Snowie 💜

Happy birthday to your S2 @Eve7. Sorry to hear that the sporting event had to be cancelled due to Melbourne COVID outbreak. But I'm pleased you decided to travel anyway. I will be watching for a plane to fly over my place, although with all the cloud cover, I suspect I will miss spotting you. 😊

No its more salad weather here @Bow very warm and humid with the light rain. Just a bit dreary. But I just finished making a nice platter of sandwiches. Should be good. Ohhh nice ... I hope you enjoy a visit from your brother and partner. 🌺

Oh yes @Anastasia ... Once I set the meerkats up in their best spot/s I will take a photo and show you here. But of course you are always welcome to share a cuppa with me on my back deck. The two places I am considering, are clearly seen from our back deck. Both suitable for meerkats, so its just a matter of which spot looks best. Awww how sweet ... I love the baby meerkat in the teacup. Thank you. 💕

I had best go and get changed, as my sister will be arriving soon.

Emelia 🤗💞🌸

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 💕🌷

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I hope lunch went well dear @Emelia8 🙏💞