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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Glad you are home safely @Emelia8 

Hoping that Holly's surgery goes ok


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8  bugger the coffee I will toast you with a glass of Aussie Champers and chocolate covered strawberries. You have done so well sweetheart. Love peaxxx

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 💙🌻

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

 I am hoping that by now you are either sound asleep or resting. Love you @Emelia8 🤗🙏💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Morning lovely Em @Emelia8 


I hope you were able to sleep last night and have woken without too much pain or discomfort. 

How did your crispy salmon dish turn out?  It sounded very yummy!


Rest up today if you can.


WIP 💞💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Morning @WIP @Emelia8 @Anastasia @greenpea and anyone else around.

Hoping your day goes well

Much love and hugs


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)



Hi Em


Well done for going through such an extended battle with the radio-therapy - and you had to give back the white backless number you wore to the theatre - that's a bit harsh - was there only one?


And you have been there and done all this for now and yes - you have to wait to find out while your skin gets worse which is really something I feel sorry about - your skin I mean - and I really hope that ointment does the trick -


I actually know that abandoned feeling you had when you left the hospital - I have experienced that myself now and again when travelling alone - which is my choice - and also when I was at university and I had left my husband for a while and walking from the campus to the halls I felt alone and I was actually - I was severely depressed and it is a strange feeling. I hope this has passed now you are at home and yes - you can eat more regularly and better meals yourself with all the necessary equipment and ingredients and at the right time


It struck me when I read that - perhaps the hospital could provide meals for the people who stay overnight because of the distance they need to travel. A small charge would help no doubt - but the schedule and the treatments are gruelling and would take it out of everyone I am sure.


I missed yesterday's chai and cookie celebration - but I actually did have a coffee and white chocolate and pecan cookie about the same time and I do think of you a lot


That Atlantic salmon all crispy sounds pretty good - I love Atlantic salmon myself - 


I wish you the best now the next stage as begun - it will be easier for you at home - at least I hope this is the case - and of course there are those white pills - so all the best my wonderful brave friend and get some rest if you can



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hello Emelia

Thinking of you ?ll

Wow!!! You have coped wth your week soo well!!! Good on you !! You are amazing. Take good care of yourself!!!

I went to another town today n did some mystery shopping n am on bus home now Good exercise for my brain.Slowly getting back into it after covid lockdown. 

.Best wishes to you all, Melly

Hello @Bow

Ps I found this in my 'drafts '

Hello @Adage have you ever tried mystery shopping for some extra pocket money?

Hoed research and The realise Group are good places to start. If you have to go to another town eg 100km away you might get additional $60 travel.

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Dear Emelia,

sorry of my. posts seem not appropriate at times.  Thinking of you v much. Was glad of u sharing details pf yr get well gift. i just looked back to it to remind myself of appropriate gifts for friend in radiation now.

All the best to you all on yr daily struggles.


@EOR always remember that you matter to usus all and I am sure to many others in yr life that u may not be aware of.


Best wishes to you all from Melly xxoo 

@Bow take care and look after yourself for your little girl's sake. Find out how to build yourself up to avoid heart n kidney failure. IAM SURE YOU CAN DO IT with God's help.  None of us knows what is around the corner but am sure you are trying to put into your daughter, your faith and love.


Best wishes @Anastasia @WIP @Owlunar @Snowie @Eve7 @outlander @Shaz51 @Darcy 



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thank you so much @Mellysmellyelly for your kind, caring and thoughtful post. I dont always tag you because I thought you were taking a break. But its always a treat having you around.


I have heard of the mystery shopper scheme that you're doing and mentioned to @Adge above. Sounds like a novel way of earning a little bit of extra cash. And maybe a bit of fun too, and an opportunity for social interaction.


Thanks again @Mellysmellyelly  and please dont worry ... I have not seen any inappropriate posts from you. 😊🌺


Emelia 🌻