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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thanks @outlander @Bow 💜

Thank you so much @Snowie, I know you are really strugging yourself right now. Yes its been a long wait to see my psych this time. I dont recall the last time its been so long since I saw her. Normally I would see her every 3-5 weeks, depending on how I am at the time. I know you understand that, with your psych leaving and your inability to get in to the new one for such a long time. Perhaps you may still get in sooner, with a cancellation .. I hope so.

Yes @Former-Member ... I very much understand that desire to escape to a cave during the tough times. And I am very sorry knowing that you still have a difficult anniversary coming up on 14th Feb. Sometimes avoidance is the only way to get through EOR ... I honestly believe that. And yes I agree with you that its important to reduce any additional stressors as much as possible. Which is why I am happy that my radiation treatment is soon to be completed. I will then be able to concentrate on the anniversary more capably I hope. Even though I still have a stack of medical and specialist appointments right through February for both myself and hubby. But we'll get there. Thank you for the reminder EOR about keeping up the fluids. I do tend to not drink enough water at times. How has your day been?

Gorgeous Pea ... you are such a lovely friend @greenpea and I appreciate you very much. Yes you have always been around for me, and I want you to know that I am only a tag away for you also. Any time sweet Pea.

@Peri ... sounds like a busy day for you today and the weekend, with your grand daughter staying with you. Such a blessing, arent they .. our grandchildren? But gosh .. they can be so exhausting! Yeah silly me ... I let my imagination run away with me sometimes I think. Of course I would not feel cells dying, would I? And you are quite correct .. radiation does cause inflamation of tissue. And that is no doubt what it is. It is painful. And so too are the surgery scars, which I was told has a reaction to the radiation. Its 11 weeks now since my surgery. And the pain from that had essentially gone. Until the second week of radiation, when it all came back again. Its quite depressing. Gosh ... its 11 years for you since your surgery. And here am I complaining after only 11 weeks. I also have a lot of scar tissue, I tend to scar easily. I'm really sorry you still get pain. I appreciate knowing that though, because at least my expectations now are more realistic. Yes exactly .. thats the important thing isnt it ... you are still very much alive! I'm happy that my experiences now, enable you to look back at your battles at the time .. and that it makes you proud that you managed it as well as you did. Especially when you were working full time as well back then. You are very right to feel proud. Yes sadly ... I am very much aware that this is a lifetime thing ... with regular scans and xrays etc and always that concern that the cancer will return. I presume that your mammogram was all clear?

Emelia 💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Oops I was just writing a very long response to a number of people from the previous page, and several of you snuck in posts.

@Anastasia ... I will be thinking of you too for the duration of your holiday. Every day. I'm sure the oncologist apt tomorrow will be fine, as will I. I am about to head off to bed now ... but again thanks heaps for offering to be here for me. Love you more. And please stay safe and well.

@Eve7 ... my beautiful friend. The bucket load of love and courage is much appreciated. Awwwww ... Wednesday is your wedding anniversary. Of course, I'd forgotten. I'd love for you to join me for a meal tomorrow. Breakfast will be on the run and I get hubby organised and myself ready to head off to the hospital. Lunch will probably be missing in action, because I have a 12noon apt followed by a 1pm appointment. So dinner tomorrow it will need to be. I will be on line. As for celebrating on Wednesday ... my last radiation session and your wedding anniversary ... thats got such mixed emotions there hasnt it? I'm sorry that it will present great sadness for you, but at the same time much joy.

Thank you @outlander. I am here for you too Li'l One.

I need to head off to bed and try to get some sleep. Its something I am somewhat reluctant to do. The last couple of nights I've been having nightmares again. I dread this time of year, and it seems to have started even earlier than usual. I wonder if it is to do with the fact that I have not had the support of my psych since early Dec? Normally I have more frequent apts with her from late January and right through February. And so far I've had none.

Good night everyone .. and thank you all so much. 💤

Emelia 💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 💕

Nightmares arent good. Ive been having them alot too lately
Maybe see if you can see your psych soon for extra support?

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

No @outlander .. they are not good at all. 😵


My psych cancelled my latest apt in mid December when her Dad died.  And then she was on leave until the second week in January.  That was the same week my radiation therapy commenced.  She only works 2 days a week since she sold her psych business last year.  And given she cancelled a number of apts last year when her Dad died, her apts filled up very quickly.  I was on a cancellation list for that first week but very restricted because I would have had to travel back from radiation an hour and a half away.  So my times for a cancellation were very restrictive.  The earliest I was able to get in to see her, and be here for any appointments, was 17th Feb.  Its just really hard to make commitments around radiation, because they dont tell you your schedule until the Thursday or Friday before.  So last Thursday I got my treatment schedule for this week coming.  And taking in travelling times, its just nearly impossible.  I had tried, believe me.  Oh well, its only a little over 2 weeks away now.  And with the number of medical apts I have coming up between now and then ... the time will fly.


How are you going @outlander ?  I think you must have some tests or specialist apts coming up soon too?



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I hate dreams @Emelia8 i dont think ive had nice dreams since i was much younger theyve been overtaken by traumas for as long as i can remember now.

Oh yes thatd make seeing her hard. Would you consider changing to someone more avaliable?
Can be hard to arrange appts around other commitments for sure.

Im not great tbh but if i get into it ill prob break. Not really sure about caring atm. To many things to think of. Yeah have a few things coming up but theyre not really important. Just things to get out of the way like optometrist and all of pops things he has to have done. Pain and neuro appt on friday,havent heard back from allergenist yet unfortunately


I dont want to keep you up, you really need to rest 💙

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8 my day has be fairly mediocre thanks for asking. Hope the zapping goes ok this week, and you never need it again. You sound so tired. Sleep well tonight 🌻🌻🌻

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Emelia8Good luck today sweetheart. Thinking of you. Love peaHeartxxx

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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi beautiful,

Can you take me with you again today, in your pocket? I can make you a chai latte after and you can fill me in on your appointment? @Emelia8 👀👂🙏🤗💕🌻

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

I surely can @Anastasia 😊

We may even be on the road at the same time? I need to leave home at 10.30am today.  Though I expect I wont be out of the cancer institute and back in my room until about 2pm. Safe travels dear @Anastasia 🌷🌻

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)


Hoping all goes well today hun

Lots of love and hugs 💜💜