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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Good morning @Anastasia 

I wish you could send some more of this cream too .. its particularly good. I have a feeling I will be getting through it pretty quickly in coming weeks. Many people having radiation dont get skin reactions until near the end  of their course of treatment. And some not until a week or two after completion. But I have naturally pale sensitive skin, and very prone to sunburn. Probably means Im more likely to get reactions.


Regarding your referral for todays tests ... Is it possible your GP may have already faxed it? A lot of things changed with the introduction of telehealth. Hope you can get that sorted nice and early. If you still need to collect it physically, I hope its not too far out of your way.


Emelia 💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Hi beautiful,

I'm sure if it's the cream my dad got you can but it in pharmacies near you x Perhaps give them a call saves the trip just in case. Otherwise online 🤗 Let me know how you go. If it helps then you need it 💞

I called my GP and she's emailing it so just waiting to call the hospital back to confirm they have it. I hardly slept. I'm not usually forgetful so it's a little annoying. Hopefully will work and save me a trip. 🤞

What are you up to today?

Did you sleep or were you too uncomfortable or worried about Holly? 

You said yesterday you were thinking of your beautiful Mum. I'm certain she's watching over you. She did a good job when she created you x


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

It worked. They have it. Now do I go back to bed or be productive 🤔💭



Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

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Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Thanks @Anastasia ... I will do a search online and see if I can get some of this cream.  Will let you know if I find it locally.


Ahh thats good that they will be faxing referral directly to hospital.  Fingers crossed that comes through. Okay, so you forgot one little thing in amongst a myriad of other things you've had to think of and do across both work and home. Annoying perhaps, but its not a huge thing and hopefully all sorted out by now.


Today I need to do a couple of loads of washing.  Including from the party.  No time for a load of washing on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning before I had to leave.  So I will get that out of the way first up.


I got some sleep, but poor little Holly disturbed me a bit with her breathing difficulties and restlessness.


Yes I was thinking of my Mum yesterday.  I think its because this annoying dry cough and chest tightness is bothering me a bit.  My Mum died of breast cancer which spread to her spleen and lungs.  But she already had compromised lungs due to pulmonary fibrosis.  If the cancer had not got her first, the fibrosis would have caused her death soon after anyway.  They only diagnosed her with it about a year before she passed away, and the lifespan after diagnosis is typically only 3-5 years.  Mums was quite advanced when they finally diagnosed it.  Anyway I was reading about the effects of radiation for breast cancer and lung cancer.  Given the location of treatment it is a risk factor for developing pulmonary fibrosis.  Reading more about the fibrosis, it can also be a hereditary thing.  So it seems likely that I may be at a higher risk than most.  Although Mum had other factors which contributed to hers ... including exposure to chemicals (farm and industrial cleaners) and also Rheumatoid Arthritis which is a big contributor.  So I guess that all worries me a little. If I am getting inflamation of the lungs from the radiation, it is a precurser to fibrosis and they need to monitor it closely. Shouldnt google should I?  😊   So yeah, I was thinking of my poor Mum, who went through so much.  And I feel sure she is watching over me too.  I think she passed on many of her good genes, but also some pretty dodgy ones. 🌹  I love you more Mum and miss you every day. 😔💓


Hope today goes well @Anastasia 


Emelia 💕

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Was something like that for my Mum too @Emelia8 ...... 💜🌻

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

Oh very good @Anastasia .. glad the system works.  Well ... after such a busy and hectic week, I'd suggest you go back to bed for a while.  😊


Hi there beautiful @Former-Member ... thank you so very much.  I am holding you in the light also and pray that you are coping okay.  Sending much love and kindest thoughts to you. 🌹


Emelia 💞

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

@Faith-and-Hope 🤗🌹😢🌸

Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

No don't Google 🤗

I do that too!

I'm glad Monday will provide you with an update xxx

Good luck today with washing, I've just put a load on now so there with you in spirit 


Hugs and love ❣️


Re: A Life of Trauma and Tragedy (Possibly Triggering Content)

talking about "not googling"... Last night I googled recent scan finding of "trabeculated bladder" which all the dr said was: "higher risk of uti & to relax in toot, take longer, double void" 🤔 BUT,  Dr google research says the cause is "long term urethral blockage from inflammed surrounding tissue - usually prostate, colon, uterine growths" 🤨 Now i wonder why my dr isn't doing anything to RULE OUT these causes? Not that I want to be poked & prodded anyway. Or, and of cause it raised the question - what's the point for me anyway (that is - I don't have a role or anyone who needs me anymore).

Mustbe hard for drs now we can check these things.

Gonna have to take my que from dr and shelve this one I guess. No energy to 'fight' it, and look like a hypochondria (more stigma) having tests all the time...

You Em, you are incredible, and so articulate here, able to keep giving so much of yourself, even under these horrendous circumstance you're in. 

And thanks for saying know- I  you understand the frightening dreams, flashbacks and all that, thanks for connecting there
