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Re: 14th year house bound

Karen i am shaking so bad now.

Karen please stay safe, i could not bear it if something happened to you

Re: 14th year house bound

You need to get your breathing back under control Jacques.

Breathe in count to 5.....Breathe out slowly count to seven

I'm here

Re: 14th year house bound

you are right Karen, my breathing was all over the place, i just went to the back door and took some deep breaths. How can 1 TV show have such an impact, wow.......

Re: 14th year house bound

maybe some music j. Is it cool enough for your sleeping bag. Sending you a big hug. I'm going to hold your hand in the morning I will still be there holding you hand and I never let go.

I care and understand

Re: 14th year house bound

KAren it is so beautiful here tonight, and oh yes i will be in my sleeping bag tonight, sending you a big hug too Karen, i so wish you where here now, someone who understands, you are my best friend.  Karen i am going to sleep now, are you going to be ok?  i am happy to stay up if you still need to chat?

Re: 14th year house bound

Sure knows how to play with your emotions.

I wish they would show people who aren't drug or alcohol affected. People that don't swear.

Just because you are mentally unwell doesn't necessarily mean that we are violent, drug, alcohol affected, abusive, foul mouthed.


Re: 14th year house bound

I wish I was there but you will know I will not leave your side all night, I am here.

I appreciate the support. Get some rest tomorrow is a new goodnight my friend

Re: 14th year house bound

You are notwrong KAren, wow am i triggered tonight. i am better than last night, but still anxious.


I agree KAren, i am so quiet and never swear, i don't drink, smoke or do drugs, but i have been told by 1 psychologist that because i don't do these things i am not a serious case, it made me so angry

Re: 14th year house bound

good night Jacques

Take care stay safe

Re: 14th year house bound

you try and get some rest to Karen, are you sure you are ok? please call lifeline if you feel overwhelmed. promise me you will be here tomrrow.