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Re: Self care by growing a garden

After another session of garden tidy up, primarily dealing with the detritus from the tree removal, I indulged myself with some "plant research" both on the internet at a garden centre. Have not formulated a design that I am happy with as yet and I know that  once we have had some scheduled work done Mr Darcy will be keen to get the beds planted.

Re: Self care by growing a garden


Re: Self care by growing a garden

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Due go electrical works our power was out so I spent a little more time perusing gardening books and now feel I have an adequate plan in place for our plot 😀.  

Re: Self care by growing a garden

We were out for half of today. I did run around before we left to take photos of some of the flowers before they got damaged by the "heat". 32 deg. isn't really all that hot, but 'tis the warmest day so far this spring, so the plants were feeling it.

crimson sweet pea.JPG


The other thing I got done today was cleaning out the rabbit cages and moving them to a shadier spot. I moved the guinea pigs yesterday.
While I was cleaning the boy rabbit's cage, I put him in with the girl rabbit... and then swapped them both into his cage while I cleaned hers... so in three weeks or so, all being well, we may have baby buns? 😄

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Love the burgundy / maroon sweet peas @Smc  🌸.


Sprayed the declared noxious asparagus fern today with heavy duty stuff (that I really prefer not to use). The leftovers went on some running bamboo that was starting to pop up 😵.


All but one of the plants we brought from our old home appear to have made it 😀.

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member, I collected seeds for that sweet pea from a friend's house. Am glad I did, because he's not living there anymore. It self seeded every year, and outgrew all the weeds around it, so it's a strong 'un.
Hate the toxic sprays... they really are a last resort thing, especially here with our frogs and lizards.
Which plant didn't make it? Something replaceable, or something you'll "let go"?


Re: Self care by growing a garden

Plants with memories of friends = 😀. I did bring some of those with me.  It was a readily available salvia that did not make it @Smc  will likely let it go as it was one of the plants I could bring as opposed to some of the others that had more sentimental value. I did not realise the plant became dislodged in transit and the roots dried out but thought I would plant it anyway and see if I could save it.


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Re: Self care by growing a garden

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The materials for our vegie beds have been ordered 🙌.