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In person support group for families with Bipolar Children in NSW

Hi there!

Newbie here. Anyone around here live around the Northern Sydney area [edited by moderator], NSW and looking for other carers for support? It's a bit hard looking for one so wondering if anyone here knows of one. Or maybe we can start one? Let me know.

Thank yo!


In person support group for families with Bipolar Children in NSW

Hello @RunnerG and welcome to the forums!


I just wanted to let you know that I've made a slight edit to your post, as we can't be too specific about our locations here on the forums to ensure that we all remain anonymous and safe. You can check out our community guidelines for more info on this - I know they can be easy to miss when you first sign up :). 


While we can't recommend any specific carers or practitioners, hopefully the community will be able to share some helpful information to point you in the right direction. 


If you do need more specified support, it could be a good idea to give the SANE helpline a call on 1800 187 263, as they may be able to help you look for resources in your area.

In person support group for families with Bipolar Children in NSW

That's ok and totally understand. 🙂

Re: In person support group for families with Bipolar Children in NSW

Hi @RunnerG,

Welcome to the Forum - I think it's wonderful that you're looking for (and potentially may even start) a support group with other people in a similar situation.

Some good organisations to follow and reach out to are Mental Health Carers NSW ( and Carers NSW ( if you haven't already, but perhaps they could point you in the right direction.

I have found the following whilst searching for a group that may be suitable:

I hope that you can find the support that you are looking for, and good luck! 😊

Take care.