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I want to try be supportive but its hard

I want to try and believe a family member of things that shes says have happened but i dont know whats true and whats not anymore. They believe its true but are supposed to be on antipsychotics to stop these thoughts but are reluctant to take them. Its just so hard to try and support knowing that these things never happened. I understand that in her mind it happened but i just dont know how to deal with it and i see what shes doing to the family and it hurts. Ive also seen what shes like on medication and its so much better and when shes off of it, its like the person i know is gone! 


Re: I want to try be supportive but its hard

Possibly the best that you can do is to validate her emotions, while maintaining neutrality on the beliefs


Don't deny her reality, but don't overly encourage delusions. It's a delicate balance, to validate emotions while staying neutral on beliefs

Re: I want to try be supportive but its hard

Great answer @DogMan79  


I think being support with what is comfortable for you and in your wellbeing while knowing that if or when she needs help she know she can reach out to you @Knj 


I am sorry it must be concerning to watch as I know how worrying it when you see someone you love feel like they are not if a good place

Re: I want to try be supportive but its hard

She knows she can reach out to me. At the moment for me the best thing i can do is listen because i dont want to say the wrong thing and push them away but at the same time i dont want them feeling like im not listening but sometimes i know whats shes saying is not true and i dont want to entertain the conversation. 


Yeah it is concerning to watch and you never know what shes going to do next. I want the best for her and its sad to watch her family go through the pain of it. 

Re: I want to try be supportive but its hard

It sucks, doesn't it.


I know. I'm in a similar boat. My stepdaugther, to quote Love Actually, who turned out to be the love of my life (but not in a creepy way), kept things from me, lied, went against her principles to pursue a crush with an online person, and then disclosed to me about what is dissociative identity disorder, turned my world upside down. I now no longer know what is real anymore. I feel like I don't know her at all, that the past 10 years of my life have been living a fiction.


What advice can I give you? Absolutely none. I don't know how to deal with this, and there is a part of that does not want to. The advice is sometimes to prioritise your own mental health, to create distance, to create and enforce boundaries, to let them know that they are responsible for their actions and their actions have consequences for others, like you, like me. Easier said than done. Believe me.


While they go about their lives with their struggles, you carry the burden of going about your life with your struggles scared for them. I don't know the answer. If you find one, please let me know because right now, it's a life obsessing over this issue complete with frequent tears and a sense of helplessness.


Re: I want to try be supportive but its hard

Too true old son, too true. And thank you.

I have no answers. I do know that you can lose everything that means anything to you in an instant, even though you care deeply for who used to be your stepdaughter. 'Used to be' because as was explained to me at length and in detail, the past 10 years have been a series of emotional abuse, lies, and deceptions, that latter on her behalf to tolerate my existence, and the emotional abuse being me apparently.


When she ... apparently, I'm not allowed to explain the physical action of how she scored her first goal in football ...she came running up to me and jumped into my arms. She comes home and tells me about her day at school and now university. She comes out from here study me to have random conversations with me. We watch TV together which she continuously interjects to discuss various topics, which are [ ] but which I loved listening to because she was with me. Every morning she'd give me a hug and a kiss, and at night when she goes to bed the same but with a 'I love you,' There's a photo on the wall of her sitting on my lap as we do something. There's a photo of her joyously drawing people so I have 'toe people.' Ditto for this marble game where I entered her world of planets and people and scenarios. I was a middle aged bachelor then with no experience of children, nor particularly liking them, but here I was sitting on the floor construction a marble world as she explained the details of this imaginary world. I can hardly walk but it was me who went to the park with her to practice and get better at football. It was me who suggested that she brings her girlfriend home to sleep rather than fumbling around in cars in deserted carparks where these two young, naive, women were at risk. It was me she asked how to make love to a woman even though she has a mother and who is gay. It was me who she shared her exam results with, not her mother, in fact, I had to tell her to tell her mother. It was me she came home to and disclose her first kiss with who is now her girlfriend. ... the memories keep flooding back 

Here's the thing that I do not understand. If mum and former stepdaughter consider the last 10 years to be the subject of emotional abuse by me, why then does mum go away to another town to live and work for the past 2-3 years and leave her then teenage daughter in the hands of an emotionally abusive person?

I just don't get it.


And this all happened after I'd caught her in a lie and violating her principles that she then went on to blame on a 'alter.' Only since then have I become the demon in her life, which her mother has joined forces with since returning 'home' from working away.

I'm tired. Really, really tired. I can't keep fighting. Caring for someone that does not care about you ... even though three weeks ago she signed off an email, 'Your daughter,' ... I am just tired. I surrender. Tell me what you want from me. Tell me what you want me to do. I'll do it. I'm not going to argue. I'm not going to question it. I'm not going to consider whether it is in the best interests of the former stepdaughter, despite the advice of two psychologists. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. I cannot stand the hate directed at me anymore. ... this is what I said to her mum, other than the last bit, and I said that I would be grateful to do whatever they wanted, and my former stepdaughter just stood there, coldly. Not caring. Resenting me.

Based on my experience, what I can tell you, it simply goes from bad to worse and there is no way to rectify the situation. You cannot help, and you have to watch and do nothing as it all falls to pieces, yourself, your relationship, and her life. It is her life, I get it, but you cannot help but be concerned when they are engaging in risky behaviour and not taking their mental health condition seriously. Who wouldn't be concerned?

Good luck, old son. You'll need it.

Re: I want to try be supportive but its hard

They say 'the paranoids are usually right' so even if some beliefs seem improbable, it doesn't mean they are false.

Re: I want to try be supportive but its hard

It  Hi.

Yes it is very challenging when someone states something that can be so obviously untrue but are so affected by it. The key, in my opinion is to just engage with their feelings and  not the actual "facts". This is tricky but can be done. Look at validation techniques, see if you can find similar feelings in yourself you can use to have empathy. Are they feeling a lack of power? Shame? Not good enough? Not seen? Not heard? These are things you can consider in those conversations. And tell them that regardless you believe they can overcome this because you believe in them.

Give hope above all. And listen. It is ok to have a boundary and not want to engage/discuss at all. Then talk of who could help, who would they feel comfortable talking to. Feeling supported is important. That goes for you too.

Take care. Most importantly take care of yourself!