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Casual Contributor

Feeling so very sad

Hello again.Its been a few weeks since I was on.My beautiful 23 year old son(daughter) who has gender dysphoria and Aspergers is now battling a mental illness.
Auditory and visual hallucinations,dissociative episodes and paranoid delusions. Finally admitted to a private psychiatric hospital, but now hes so drugged up,slurred speech.Its so very sad.My heart is aching. Psychiatrist says its a complex case so no diagnosis yet.Where is the support for family with those with mental illness.I feel like Im walking the plank.Just hanging in there

Re: Feeling so very sad

Hi Deadrock, 

Its NewDawn here im one of the Moderators on the forum. It sounds like your son ( daughter) is indeed a complex case, and that things have been so difficult for you lately !  Ive read posts from other parents in the past that have expressed similar feelings, so i hope that reading these or some of those people in the community contributing may be of support. 

It seems like your finding their is a lack of support for family members in particular , hence I thought the following organisations below may be of interest:






Re: Feeling so very sad

Its such a difficult thing for a parent to witness, but I hope as he/she stabilises those side effects will recede. Take care of you. @Deadrock

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Re: Feeling so very sad

Hey @Deadrock
Checking in to see how you are coping.

Re: Feeling so very sad

Hello Darcy.Thankyou for asking.
Im not too bad.My daughter came out of hospital 3 days ago.It looks like schitzophrenia type diagnosis with borderline personality disorder as well as Aspergers.No official diagnosis yet.Very complex.
Its hard watching her drugged up and confused when she has always been a very competent person.It will be a test to see if she can go back to uni or not.
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Re: Feeling so very sad

@Deadrock have you any support for yourself?

Re: Feeling so very sad


Hi, just a quick welcome from Grasshopper3, I have a son with paranoid Sz. who says he is my daughter on Facebook   lol   When I questioned him he says all males have a female side as well.

I just love him how he is, I know you do too, Your love wlll help your loved one, but remember to look after number 1. Socialize when you can, go for walks, meditate, give your mind the rest it needs.

I find I cope better if I do above but I can feel anxious at times and now am more aware when I need a break. Reward yourself, be nice to yourself! Make yourself number one. 

Hope this helps.

Lots of love,


Re: Feeling so very sad

Checking in - hope you're getting through the days ok. Take care