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Brother who is alcoholic and mental health and not being treated

My brother who is 34 has always had issues with alcohol (been done DD several times) however in recent years he has been self medicating and has been arrested several times when drunk for stealing and also assault. He has been diagnosed with PTSD, BPD and also Afult ADHD. He refuses to take medication he is prescribed for ADD (he doctor shopped until he found one that would provide him with this) and refuses to get counselling as well. he has delusions also and i belive he has had psychosis a couple times over the last couple years as he was using ice as well. He will go for periods of time without drinking but will then exercise excessively and control what he eeat and his moods are still erractic just not to the intenstiy of when he is misusing substances. He is now staying with my mother as he punched his last flatmate for entering his room without his permission. We are at a loss of what to do. I have researched ITO's but it looks like only a health professional is able to execute one. has anyone got any experience in securing an ITO for a family member? Also are there any face to face support groups for people who have loved ones with mental disorders because we are at a loss with what to do as we have tried every approach with him in an aim to encourage him to get help. Thanks


Re: Brother who is alcoholic and mental health and not being treated

Hi @Michka26

Welcome to the Forums. Your brother's behaviour does sound very worrying. How long have things been like this?

It can vary from state to state, but involuntary treatment usually requires that a person be at risk of immediate harm or at a risk to others. It might help to get in contact with your local psychiatric triage at your local hospital and ask for advice. 

To find support groups, you can in contact with Mental Health Carers Australia. They provide support to carers, and may be able to let you know where you can find a support group. 

May I ask if your brother has previouly recieved support or help?

Re: Brother who is alcoholic and mental health and not being treated

Hi there @Michka26,

That sounds terribly concerning and I can only imagine so hard seeing your brother like this, it doesn't sound he is coping very well at all. It can be extremely exhausting trying to get someone help if they deny their issues or become defensive, perhaps he is not ready or has some underlying shame about his behaviours and inability to express his emotions, hence the alcohol to cover things up.

If you feel he is in danger of hurting himself or someone else please give a CAT team a call and tell them as much information as possible.

In the mean time a support group sounds like a fantastic idea, Grow Australia run them :

Grow Australia

Perhaps if he sees you getting that support he might even be more open to the idea down the track?

To facilitate his help seeking behaviour, just try to keep that line of communication open when you can, so checking in on him and letting him know you are there to talk when he is ready that option is there, this type of support although seems little is extremely helpful so don't forget that.

Please take really good care of yourself in the mean time okay,

Lunar 🙂


Re: Brother who is alcoholic and mental health and not being treated

Hi @Michka26,

Just following up on things - how are you and your brother?


Re: Brother who is alcoholic and mental health and not being treated

Hello @Michka26

 how are you today ?? and your Brother ??

Remember you are not alone , we are here for you