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What are the legal rights of our loved ones

when our loved ones get into trouble with the law were can the carers go for help? Are there special courts

where you can get consideration that the person has a mental illness.?

The last time I looked up the stats for people in jail; over 38% had a mental illness when they entered and when they left over 42% were diagnosed with a mental illness.




Re: What are the legal rights of our loved ones

Hi Camilia,

What a great topic!!

Yes, I agree - who cares for the carers when their loved one are on trouble with the law?

I do know in NSW that there is the Mental Health Advocacy Service here is the phone number and here is their website.

Does anyone else have any advice they might be able to share with us? Any experiences that you would like to talk about?


Re: What are the legal rights of our loved ones

Hi Camilia,

I looked into this area for you, and I think the best thing to do would be to have a look at the Mental Health Coordinating COuncil's 'Mental Heal,th Right Manual' which can be found here

Hope this helps..
