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Re: Topic Tuesday tonight at 7pm AEST / Psychosis

@kenny66 I'm also curious about @soul's question. Any food/dietry requirements?  Bearing in mind here that everyone is very unique, and will have very different experiences with food given their biological make-up, age, general health, types of meds, and med interaction etc.

Re: Topic Tuesday tonight at 7pm AEST / Psychosis

Hi @Annie2, thank you for sharing your experience with us.  You've highlighted just how difficult the repercussions of psychosis can be.  You protected those you believe were most in need but alienated others you love.  Can I ask, is your Step-son receiving treatment?  Is there any insight, from him or his father, about the condition? Without this it's hard to see a way forward for your family. 

Re: Topic Tuesday tonight at 7pm AEST / Psychosis

Do not send them back into their past and ask the same questions over and over which they can't answer but which are questions you really want answers to. Getting someone frustrated is a sure fire way of bringing on an episode.

Re: Topic Tuesday tonight at 7pm AEST / Psychosis

I spend two days a week as an inpatient at a mental health clinic and 5 days at home.

My observation is that there is great benefit in the support and empathy available by close contact with people who have MH issues from the clinic. I am particularly drawn to schizophrenics and people with BP.

Nevertheless two of my best friends are autistic and tourettes guys. I value my days at the clinic and apart from anything else they give me a sense of peace in world I would otherwise find eternally confusing and occasionally hostile.



Re: Topic Tuesday tonight at 7pm AEST / Psychosis

@soul wrote:

Any dietary suggestions? Foods to avoid? Useful supplements? Exercise?

That's such an interesting question.  And, I must admit, a gap in my knowledge.  We know that stress can exacerbate symptoms and that an increase in drugs or alcohol also contributes.  But I've not heard or read about the impact of food.  In reality exercise is good for pretty much any mental health problem as it helps to reduce the impact of stress which is behind so many of our physical and mental health flareups. 

I'd be fascinated to hear of the impact anyone has noticed that food has on psychotic symptoms.  

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Psychosis

When my son was first hospitalised I wondered if he would ever recover. As it was, he improved rapidly every single day. After 2.5 weeks he was well enough to be released home without medication. However, within 10 days he was completely psychotic again, babbling, shouting and laughing incoherently. I had a 50 minute drive to get him into Emergency again, where this time he was admitted under the Mental Health Act. This time he stayed in for 2 weeks and was only released on medication, which was clearly necessary. From then on for the past 6 months he has improved consistently and his medication has been lowered twice. I have gone from thinking he might be completely dependent on me for the rest of his life.. to thinking there is a good chance he may come off meds around about Christmas time and never have another episode.Ever. Meanwhile at the moment, my main responsibility is simply to remind him to take his tablet every night. Other than that, he is like any other 17 year old.

Re: Topic Tuesday tonight at 7pm AEST / Psychosis

when I am going into a manic episode I drink tons of coffee, eat heaps of chocolate, ice cream and cakes. So I would avoid these. Even so i am still scawny-must be the schizoA mmetabolism.!!!!

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Psychosis

Another 5 - 10 minutes before we wrap.

So very quickly, what are the three top things people think are important to provide support to someone who is experiencing psychosis?

Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Psychosis

@Louise That's a great point to share as we get to the end of this discussion.  When you're deep within it, and despairing of your loved one returning to health and independence, it's hard to maintain the belief that recovery is not only possible but likely.  Maintaining hope helps us put one foot in front of the other and keeps us having the conversations, making the calls and going to the appointments that fuels recovery.  I'm so glad he's back to being 'just 17'.  As challenging as that can be in and of itself 🙂



Re: Topic Tuesday - now open: Psychosis

its also very important not to bring up past episodes or cause any emarrassment. My friends treat my SchizoA as part of me-just like having freckles or red hair