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Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

Hi all
I received my diagnosis about 8 months ago and I've been trying to find out as much as I can I've been relieved to know that BPD exisits and feel that finally have an explanation.
I also have depression and anxiety and PTSD. Previously doctors have thought that I have had bipolar and Aspergers.. Did anyone else have those kinds of misdiagnosis?

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

yes i just had the server drop out for a minute. back online now

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


Hi Shadow, there are a lot of people who are now talking the BPD language to professionals and clinicians and slowly this is starting to filter down to them.  The greatest stigma is at emergency departments where people with BPD are treated as attention seekers and time wasters.  Project Air Strategy has an education programme in place to talk to ED staff and explain to the what BPD is and the best way to treat people at the ED level.  


Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


Yes misdiagnosis is not uncommon.  Bipolar and BPD are similar.  The difference seems to be in the abandonment issues, that does not occur in Bipolar.  Usually there is a relationship crisis that precipitates when someone gets into a devastating emotional headspace where they can't deal with things.  With bipolar you have the highs and the lows and this tends to cycle three or four times a year, whereas with BPD the emotions cycle every other minute and we can have several crises in one day, which makes it very exhausting.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

I'm here.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

yes i was treated 2 years ago by two mental health professionals a psycologist and psyciatrist, both of them treaated me like i was "putting it on" and it made me feel like i was wasting their time and others. the rolling eyes, and being spoken down to because i am unable to work because i am so dibilitated by mental health issues.


i only went to one session each and never went back

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

can you explain the idea behind this concept, of no friends? Is this just while you are in the DBT program, or generally?

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

I have seen psych sites online where you can do tests with multiple choice quetions to see if you have BPD.

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths


There are nine criteria for the diagnosis of BPD and you need five in order to get a diagnosis.  This equates to 256 different types of presentations.  Some people tend to have the more behavioural aspects of BPD, and others tend to focus inwards.  Some are very high functioning, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists can have BPD and still function well in their job and hide their condition.  Others have not been employed for years and are on disability.  BPD presents differenly for all people but of course there are lots of commonalities as well.  

Re: Topic Tuesday Tonight starting at 7pm AEST - BPD: Debunking the myths

I'm wondering Sandy and Angel, why do they have so many wrong misconceptions, I think it may be because of the emptiness BPD sufferers suffer. When going through something. this is something I also suffer when I'm going through crisis.