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Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

and he has involutary movements usually with head but sometimes with arms.. is this common or only for someone with 'severe symptoms'?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

@Former-Member wrote:

Who has heard this myth before?

'You can talk someone out of their delusions or hallucinations, you just have to tell them they are not real.'


If you could talk them out of the delusional beliefs, then they wouldn't be delusions.

And the hallucinations are "real", and no amount of talking , argument, appeal to logic, or even physical demonstraion will convince them otherwise.

Smiley Sad

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Hi @Jengay

You are right genetics plays a part in someone developing a predisposition for mental illness, but so does a lot of other things. And just because you have a family member with MI, it does not mean that you will develop a MI.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

 @Barbara behaviours are are common for people with schizophrenia, but it could also be side effects from medication as well. A lot of older anti psychotic medication causes tardis dyskinesia, which is involuntarily movements of the body. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Yes. I wondered whether gambling addiction was associated with Sz, or is it a separate condition? Please advise.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Hi everyone,


Just to let you know we have about 10 mins left for tonight 🙂



Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Does disorganized behaviour/speech only occur for people with 'disorganized schizophrenia' (which is apparently the most severe form or Sz) or could be a symtom of general schizophrenia also? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION


Great response!

The definition of delusion is a fixed false belief, so you are correct, to the individual they are very very real.

Trying to argue with someone that what they are seeing or feeling or hearing is not real, is trying to argue with someone that the earth is flat when we know it is round.

It can be very dangerous to try and tell someone what they see, feel etc. is not real. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Hi @Sanefan

I don't think that addiction is necessarily associated with schizophrenia, however, this doesn't mean that someone with schizophrenia can also have addiction problems.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

@Barbara Disorganised behaviour is a symptom of schizophrenia. There are a lot of cross over signs and symptoms with different disorders. 

Thanks for all your great questions tonight!!!!!