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Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Hey @Geronimo

I could not have answered that question better myself!!!

Thanks for sharing your words.

You are so true, people living with schizophrenia are more likely to be victims of violence that to commit a violent act. Unfortunately when drugs and alcohol are involved in may become an issue, but the majority of the time, violence happens when  person feels vulnerable or threatened, and it is most often to family members and not the general public.

So that is one myth busted!!!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // Tues, 24 May, 7pm AEST

Hello @Former-Member, @NikNik

I have a question , can you have Schizophre​nia from birth or can it come on at any age because my cousin was different but he was ok  growing up but when he started drinking and taking drugs , everything changed

did he already have it or was it brought on

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Thanks @leitor.

you are so right, thankyou for sharing your experience with us. It must be incredibly hard to have to come to terms with that fact, so thanks for sharing it with us.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // Tues, 24 May, 7pm AEST

Hi @Shaz51

What a great question!!!!!!

We know that schizophrenia, like all mental illnesses are not caused by one things. There is a combination of different things that lead an individual to having a predisposition to develop mental illness.

There are biological aspects - e.g. genetics, drug and alcohol use

Psychological aspects - e.g. trauma, low self esteem

and Social - e.g. no good support system, no friends etc.

So your cousin, through taking drugs may have led to him developing schizophrenia, but it was most likely a combination of biological, psychological and social aspects. 

We still dont know what causes mental illness, but we do know that a number of things can make a person more or less likely to develop it.

I hope this explains things for you!



Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

@Shaz51 It can come on later in life. In our case we were told that it is quite rare, but around menopause when hormone levels are changing it can appear when the level of protective oestrogen drops. I've since found quite a bit of research around this.

I don't have any knowledge about the incidence of late-onset schizophrenia from other causes though.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Whose heard this one?

"Schizophrenia is when people have split personality's"

What do we think? True of Fase??


Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // Tues, 24 May, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member wrote:

What are some common misconceptions you have heard?

What gets under your skin when you hear people saying it?

Mine is "people with schizophrenia can never get a meaningful job, or get married and have kids."

As for myself, I worked for the ATO(Australian Taxation Office) for nearly 14 years until the stress level of the job even at the base level became too great for me!!!!

As for others, I know a couple in Brisbane, both of whom have Sz who have had two beautiful children, both now fully grown adults with no signs in themselves of Sz so far, so it is possible for people with Sz to successfully raise a family!!!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

@Former-Member wrote:

Whose heard this one?

"Schizophrenia is when people have split personality's"

What do we think? True of Fase??


Utter rubbish but this ignorance still persists, at least in some people's minds!!!!!!!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Hi @Barbara

Thanks for your question and for sharing your experiences with us.

I am not a clinician, so am not the best person to give advice about medication, but I do know that for some people it takes a while, trialing a number of different medications before they find the right fit for an individual. A lot of different things effect the types and amount of medication that an individual will have to take. For example did you know what if someone smokes, or drinks excessive soft drinks and coffees full of sugar will need to be on a higher level of medication, because it takes more for their body to absorb them?

I'm so sorry that you have to experience these things with your son. Have you accessed any carers support groups? or spoke to anyone about these things? Remember you cant look after your son, if you are not looking after yourself as well!


Re: Topic Tuesday // Myths and misconceptions of Schizophrenia // IN SESSION

Thank you @Former-Member, @leitor

that explains so much , as he has had a lot of things happened in his life , Wow

and now that he is 53, he has settled back down with a good life , so different again