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Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@Mum1990 wrote:

 I also remind him that labels belong on jars not people and he is a unique intelligent person who has achieved alot and who can have a great life. 

So much support and love- it sounds like you have been there by his side every step of the way 💙 


I absolutely love that saying "Labels belong on jars and not people". Thank you for sharing this powerful message 💙

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Welcome @StuF! Feel free to share some of your perspective if you'd like to or ask any questions you might have on the topic. 


No worries @greenpea. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your insights with us! ðŸ˜Š

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I am very interested in exploring your ideas about CBT in relation to psychosis as I struggle on a daily basis to distract and discourage giving attention to such difficult thought processes when I am enveloped in distorted and distressing’thoughts’ I just seem to have to wait it out until regular /general thoughts come back into focus
When I wake up from sleep my thoughts don’t make sense it’s a messy mixture of some sort of distressed jumble it is separate from my inner voice so to say it’s like my brain is still asleep or not functioning to full capacity and I have to wait until my brain gets into general cognitive function as it is still separate from my logical survival thinking it is manageable It’s like when my foot goes to sleep and on the way back to normal function I get pins and needles same so with my brain it’s full of static and I have to wait until the channel clears it can be scary as I have worried what if one day it just stays on static reception

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @StuF and welcome! Still lots more to come, so feel free to jump in, share your thoughts or ask any questions 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Thanks @TideisTurning 

I'll be sure to chime in if I think of something!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Q5: @Sandy1 What are your top messages for people living with schizophrenia?


Also for our community, please feel free to share your thoughts

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Q5: @Sandy1 What are your top messages for people living with schizophrenia?


  • Resist your paranoia – the enemy is not your family or friends. The enemy is the mental illness. Try and grow a team around you - friends and family, interests, hobbies, sport, having a pet.
  • Share your voice to help you understand yourself and others. And to get the buzz of being heard and respected.
  • I went from Sandy 'schizophrenia' to Sandy poet and it was transformative for me. To have a more positive label was an important station along my way. A creative life for me has been crucial to understanding and mitigating the effects of living with schizophrenia.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Thanks so much for stopping by @greenpea and for all your posts tonight, hoping you were able to take something away from this discussion!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Really awesome
Recovery can mean so many things I agree in being very interested in what support was helpful thank you so very much for sharing this highlight

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's talk about Schizophrenia // Tues 25th May, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I have a question for everyone I guess, how do you manage your medications like remembering to take them and do you ever get scared to take them? also what do you do if you are experiencing lots of side effects but otherwise your drs want you to stay on that medication?