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Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST


Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hearing you loud and clear @Jynx  - between happy and safe - a choice no-one should EVER have to make, yet for some people it's a constant reality.  

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST


that's just horrible. I'm disgusted if I understood this right, that a counselor said that to you. How ignorant and discriminatory. I'm on the spectrum and that's just wrong.

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

Oh gosh @Former-Member did you shop around for another counsellor 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Yeah we can confirm "aspergery" is not in the dsm hahah. Thanks for sharing, I love your insights aka "tangents" 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

🤣🤣🤣 Agreed Heart @eth 

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

@ethSaid: Is it really so hard for our society to just let people be their authentic selves both in public and in private??? That's what I wish for everyone.

Me too.

If it wasn't for the whole "Having to Pass as Fully female" business/ expectation - I would possibly be wearing a Skirt or Dress (maybe even Lipstick, who knows) in Public....


Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST



Yeah, unfortunately - he was baaad (I only went once), called me "aspergerY" and told me I had the posture of a "pre-pubescent child" and should sit up straight to highlight my boobs more....


I would've reported it now but it was years ago, abroad, I just never went back but he was a real dad (I don't know him) is also from another country than myself and this counsellor described his nationality as a "firey people" and suggested I "find my fire"




(Wouldn't rule out I maybe am on the spectrum, I think my mom and grandfather would be as well but it's not something that's causing me problems)

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

Everyone @Former-Member @eth @Rebel @Former-Member & others - Whoa, learning so much and really appreciating the realness in each post Heart We are flying here so I am going to jump to Question 3 now.


For those of us who do not identify as LGBTQIA+, what are some ways we can support this community as allies? If you do identify as LGBTQIA+, what are some things that would be helpful for you to see/hear from your allies?


giphy (2).gif

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

Bye all, it was lovely to see you tonight and hear & learn from you. I'm a bit overwhelmed now, so I'll take a break. I'll catch up in the morning, my head is hurting, I'm tired and upset. Talk soon x

Re: Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST

@Former-Member wrote:

Kind of a tangent but relates to gender and the minimal wardrobe...I've been called Aspergery ( not a thing...and that was from an actual counsellor) from time to time and a friend commented that they "just mean you don't show typical female qualities" having a passion for fashion I guess


So silly ha

Wow, yeah I have many autistic friends who would have a lot to say about this. 


Incidentally, there's actually a correlation between transness and being neurodiverse. The research is still in its early days but a friend of mine once described it as "It's hard to be put into a particular box when I can't even see the box." 

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