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Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Thank you Kayee,

Its tough but i just dont give myself an option, its either i keep moving or give up. Spmetimes i am scared because i worry that one day i might give up but for now im going to keep moving, one step at a time

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

I also find routine , routine, plus staying put and building on community and strengthening support network is a very long process but is rewarding to build a conectnedness and belonging. To feel safe within my community . . . . I was a flight case and would consistently relocate. After speaking with a psycologist and identifying my triggers for flight i am ow beggining to overcome the urge to run.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

i have alot of trouble with truma i have experienced a few different trumatic situations i have on top of night terrors and flashbacks i still go to court every six months for an incident when i was 3 but i have my partner my son and other family though some including my mother can make them worse


Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Coping strategies that work for me, both "good" ones and ones that aren't so healthy in the long term: 

Isolating, eating more, eating less, sleeping most of the time, self-harming, losing myself in fiction (tv or books), posting on Facebook and Twitter - whether it's about the situation, how I'm feeling, or something I love like my cats... 

Going for a walk (if I can get out of the house), messaging a friend, ringing my sister, hugging my cats, sitting in my garden (except if it needs watering and I feel guilty about neglecting it), doing a little bit of housework (because I don't do much, so my home is grotty, and it's great to make it a bit tidier or cleaner - I can change my environment! )... 

Going shopping for groceries, because it means getting out, being around people but not having to interact much, and I get the things I need. 

Having a shower, especially if I haven't showered for days, but even if I'm showering every day, it can be really relaxing and nurturing. 

Actually having facetime with a friend, specially if it's a friend who knows I have depression and anxiety, and they're non-judgemental, understanding, don't feel they have to cheer me up or calm me down, but are just nice to be with. 

Breaking something. Sometimes it's because I'm losing it, and throw a mug or something, and that relieves my feelings a bit, like a pressure valve,but then I'm sad I broke the mug. Tearing up cardboard boxes is better!

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Wow, you're an inspiration and strong! Good on you for not giving up and fighting for your well being!

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

That's a great idea, @AussieGirl, thank you. 

And I could put the list in a few places - bedside table, on the fridge - and write on it "it probably doesn't feel like these will help, but try a few, and one will probably work" 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hi @j___________, I dont have any links to mediation online as I tend to use a yoga app that I have on my phone for a guided mediation.  Does anyone else have any suggestions? I can completely understand about the American accent, I'm not a fan either.  Im happy to look around for one after the TT has finished Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

@Kayee I'd like to try herbal preparations as I've tried so many meds that don't work for me or stop working after a period of time and I have to discontinue them and try something else. I hope that you're getting some relief. It's an uphill battle!

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

i guess i do different to what people have said. my therapist says i make things normal that other people would think are traumatic or abusive or whatever. i dunno i can't give examples coz it's against the rules but i have this rule in my head that if u always agree with what people want then they can never make u do something u dont want. sounds like a good rule to me. she says it's not. we argue alot 😉


Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hi @lonelynotcrazy

Welcome to the forums. 

Being let down is really frustrating and hurtful - particularly when you put yourself and your trust on the line.

This Topic Tuesday you're posting in, is about trauma and we are currently discussing strategies we use to cope and manage symptoms of trauma.

You're welcome to keep posting here if you would find that helpful. Alternatively, if you wanted to discuss the particular incident you're referring to and get support, advice and feedback from the community specificially about what you're going through, I would suggest starting a new discussion in Something's Not Right

That way we can ensure you get relevant responses about what's going on for you.

Take care
