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Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

I think that finding a purpose is a definite help. Something to help others will help ourselves.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

I have found staying on my meds is a start!!! I was unaware of just how much it was helping my anxiety until I decided to stop after feeling better. I have found a lot of peace in spiritualism and being at one with the universe. Not a completely converted hippie but learning to be in the eb and flow of normal life seems easier when I have somewhere like meditation to release all the bad energy when I am overwhelmed. Practice practice practice!!! Dont ever stop just because you fell better. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Wow Casey, that's encouraging in strong.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hi @Bonny, these are all great strategies.  What sorts of strategies does everyone else find useful?

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

I can certainly relate to that 'green space'. Despite the sleeping problems and nightmares I tend to sleep more after a traumatic event. I don't know if it's my brain trying to process and protect me or because my sleep is poor due to nightmares that I sleep more though! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Self harm and suicide thoughts are where I find myself. No one I trust.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

There is nothing that works. I just hold it all in until I am alone. I cry and cry and cry. I yell and scream at "God". I have so many triggers every day. Every single day. Just waking up is a trigger. 


Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hi all,

I've had depression I think my whole life, and have been diagnosed not long ago with compound trauma (aka complex ptsd).

I tend to think of trauma like a new charm being added to a charm bracelet, and it sets them all off jangling, bringing in echos and vibrations from other links it wouldn't have occurred to me to see as related -- ecept they're all hanging off the same chain.

My habitual response is to still myself -- I've never really cracked meditation, and for me it seems to only serve to make me more present to the jangling -- so instead "stilling" tends to mean simply withdrawing and becoming inactive.  After feeling slapped around, it's nothing for me to spend a couple of days just not engaging, waiting for the jangling to settle.  I used to be angry with myself for it, until I realised I was merely internalising the angry parents that were all too real in my external life, so I try not to do that anymore.  It's a coping mechanism, which is okay, but I'm still on the lookout for a thriving mechanism.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST


first time on here i am very angry & its because i trusted again

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you cope with trauma? // 16 Aug, 7pm AEST

Yoga Nidra has been a great help for me in the past but now I'm finding it hard to stop my thoughts enough to practice it. Rockpool do you have any links for meditations that are worthwhile? Or anyone else? I've wasted so much time on YouTube trying to find relevant meditations. Can't help but dislike those with American accents guiding them. 😞