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Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

So I want to put this question to all of you

@soul @greenspace @Former-Member @simply_me @everyone 🙂


Some of you have talked about what you fear... but just to reword that question a bit to look at it from a different perspective...

What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

Good talking with you all. This was my first visit to the Sane forums and it was great. See you another time 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

If I didn't have these fears, I could live instead of just existing.

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

if i wasnt a fraid.. i'd be able to speak and talk about me! instead of me being afraid.. the people who hurt me would be afraid instead... and I would probably be helping others who theyve hurt too... if..

im starting this week though.. even though im terrified, im going to speak out anyway.


Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

Nice of you to join us. Please drop by and explore the rest of the community.
Tonight has been a very broad discussion so if you have something in particular you want to discuss, feel free to start your own discussion and invite people to share their thoughts, experience and/or advice!

Great to 'meet' you!

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

If I weren't afraid I would be working - maybe as a mental health educator - and blogging and maybe writing a memoir. And I would be more relaxed when meeting people and particularly when interacting with anyone I was attracted by, so it would be more likely that I would be in a relationship.

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

@NikNik - where would I start. So many hopes and dreams have been set aside - career opportunities have come and gone - in fact working hasn't been a realistic option (at least full-time) for the last 4 or 5 years. In all honesty - if I could wake up tomorrow morning and not carry the burden of anxiety with me - the sky would be the limit

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

Lj & soul - even just sharing that and showing your vulnerability takes a lot of courage!

Lj - I think what you have touched on is exactly what I was referring to.... Fear may never leave us... but there are ways to learn skills to feel the fear and do what we fear anyways.


I think that's called courage!

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

If I wasn't afraid I would get out and lead a more interesting life, knowing and appreciating more people face to face and feeling more connected to humanity.

Re: Topic Tuesday / Fear; What would you do if you weren't afraid? **NOW OPEN**

Ditto to Simply_me and greenspace - tonight you have shown a lot of courage in what you have shared.

Courage is a key skill to continually build to battle fear with.