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Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

Taking small steps sounds like a great approach @BlueBay. You will likely feel anxious at first but over time it will get a little easier. And it's always good to hold in mind what you said there too "It's ok if i feel anxious, as i can always go home if i need to". It might be useful to focus on health rather than weight and shape too as something getting caught up in anxiety about our weight can complicate our relationship with exercise and actually be counterproductive for our mental health. Might be worth writing up a plan with your doctor or psychologist during your next session so they can support you with it too šŸ˜Š

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

That sounds good @BlueBay Maybe you can do laps/circuits near home until you feel better. There's a blog called Zen Habits, and one of their key messages is to start really small - so small that you are bound to succeed. Then increase very slowly until you are comfortable ... The idea is to create sustainable habits.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

Stress has a physical effect on our bodies ā€“ muscle tension, shallow breathing, headaches, neck and back pain, digestive distressā€¦and more. Exercise can promote stress relief through neurochemical processes, by reducing stress hormones and stimulating the production of endorphins (our bodies natural painkillers and mood elevators). It can also improve stress by boosting our confidence, fostering a sense of achievement, serving as a distraction, improving our sleep, and in some instances, by connecting us with others too.


For those who exercise of have exercised in the past, what benefits have you noticed? For those who are yet to try exercise, do you think exercise could be beneficial for you?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

Take Care: Exercise can be a source of stress and anxiety for people experiencing an eating disorder. When considering any change in your exercise routine, itā€™s important to discuss it openly with your treatment team for support and guidance.

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Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST


I suffer from extreme stress. It affects me with headaches neck pain stomach pains and back pain. I definitely think that exercise will benefit me - it's just getting me motivated and not anxious to begin. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

I've noticed in the past increased energy, motivation to keep exercising like was previously mentioned and other things that I can't think of right now.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

@Former-Memberi find that i tend to gain more energy after exercising,i dont come home and just lay around like i norally would after being out and about. i also find that most of the time i have a clear mind after it also.... Having DID i  am finding that having a clear mind is really important at the moment, i dont tend to get lost in conversations happening as much in my head.. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

I'm going to discuss this with my doctor on Thursday @Former-Member

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST

@BlueBaydo u live near a beach? i found when i struggled with going out in public that if i walk along the beach and put my earphones in my ears it blocks out all the negitive thoughts. i concentrate on the music and the words and focus on the smell of the ocean and watch the waves etc! hope this helps 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exercise as Therapy // Tues. 19 June 7pm AEST


Yes I live 5 mins away from the beach.