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Senior Contributor

Healthy Minds Webcast Series // 6 September - 27 September

Image #2 - Healthy Minds Promo.png

Hi everyone,

We’re bringing wellness to your [lounge room, office, kitchen, backyard, laptop or smart phone] . . .

Join us for our upcoming series of SANE Healthy Minds Webcasts.

Throughout September we're hosting six live events exploring topics selected by you, our community members.

Covering trauma, stigma, mindfulness, caring and the NDIS these events will feature special guests, experts and most importantly people who’ve been there and lived it.

For those who have joined us for Topic Tuesday before, we are taking it to the next level! I hope we "see" you all there.

For more information or to register, check out a full list of events here


Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // 6 September - 27 September

Hi @NikNik

To join in these conversations on those specific dates do we have just 'like' or do we have to register and give our first and last name and email addrress?


Re: Healthy Minds Webcast Series // 6 September - 27 September

Hi @BlueBay

Attendee's won't be able to see each other's name - if that helps?
Alternatively, you could use a fake surname?