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Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

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This is our final Career Chat for 2016! Where has the time gone?

For this final session we thought we would open the floor to you to ask any questions you might have about employment and the workplace.

@Renstar from Ostara will be kicking off the session at 12pm AEDT, but if you can't make the session, please leave your question below.

Two things you can do now

1) Hit the 'Like' button below to recieve an email reminder on the day

2) Can't make the session? Leave a question below.


Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Hi @NikNik & @Renstar

I agree, this year has flown by too quickly.    I won't be around this Friday as I may be at work or in hospital for another respite.

I have a question:  Do I have to tell my supervisor that I am going into hospital (mental health unit) for a break. He knows I was in there in July but now I am scared and worried that because I have to go again that I may lose my job as I have had quite a bit of time off this year.  And it's a bad time of the year for me to be having time off.  I feel really guilty for having to take more time off and let everyone down yet again. Now that they have a new person working they may not take me back.  Really anxious šŸ˜ž

Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Hi @BlueBay and thanks for your question and also thanks to @NikNik!

Regarding your question I have two responses ...

One is that legally you don't have to tell your workplace anything about your private life. YOu are under no obligation and how much you disclose depends on how much you trust your employee with the information.

Number two, regarding your guilt and anxiety ...

Look at it another way @BlueBay if this was a physical (visible) disability you would have much less hesitation about saying ... hey, my leg's acting up again ...I need to have time off for Physio... can't be helped, but I'll be right back when it's done!

That's the problem with an invisible disability or injury, we believe we have to make excuses and feel guilty that it needs healing or medical treatment or whatever. That's society's contribution to the problem by the way ... .

To that end, tell him about it if you think it's safe to do so, look after YOUR mental health as a priority.

And try to re-frame (change?) your mindset about yourself ... if you had a physical injury I feel sure you wouldn't be so hard on yourself. 

You are enough just as you are, stay strong @BlueBay Smiley Happy

Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Hi @Renstar,

I'm wondering if you have any advice for me looking to volunteer somewhere in January. I am hoping to finish my TAFE subject in a few weeks and then everything that keeps me going will stop just before Christmas. January is going to be difficult with more time to be in my head. Pretty much everyone says just pick something and do it but I am finding that too broad. I'm not really wanting to go and help in a shop and would like to do something that makes me feel like I'm helping but doing something towards getting back to work as well but as you know my skill set is pretty limited currently. Have you any ideas about how to do this and is January a bad time because volunteer places close down over this time too.

Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member how are you? It's been great having you on the forum, just wanting to take this moment to say thanks for your input over the year. Much appreciated.Smiley Happy

In regards to volunteering ... the experience for my clients is either they go online ( and apply broadly to agencies, or they go to their local community centre or somewhere they live close to and apply to volunteer. The fact that it's close to home is important as transport is often an issue. Or they ask people who they know are volunteers for referrals.

Other ways are to hit Google ... find places that want people over the holidays, that cater to not only your skillset but also your passion.

What are your passions? What would you NOT like to do (recently met someone who will not work with and therefore volunteer for the elderly! and fair enough everyone is different!).

Once you have decided on one or two areas to volunteer in, then approach organisations with your resume (include an objective stating why it's important to you).

Another way is to go to Volunteering expos, without knowing where you are I can't make suggestions, but one of my clients began volunteering for a Green cause through meeting someone at an expo and is now working in the field. 

Just remember that as with other jobs, the organisation will want to make sure you are right for the job too so a good resume/cover letter/short one minute speech will be needed.

Also visit your TAFE's  Careers department they should also have Volunteer jobs bulletins.

I hope I've suggested something you hadn't thought of already! I'll keep thinking ... Smiley Very Happy


Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Thanks @Renstar . Oh yes you did think of things I hadn't thought of. I guess I didn't realise it was such a formal process these days. I don't  have a resume yet so it will take a bit of work, and that word resume had me running at that point šŸ˜•

Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

 Oh no! @Former-Member don't be put off by resumes ... you can do it!

How about a Microsoft Word resume template ... I find that they are really helpful!

Also, ask your TAFE's Careers department to help you create one, they are very good at doing this (had my first resume created by my Uni's career people!) and all you have to do is book a meeting with them and then help them to fill in the information.

Finally, a cover letter can be written by yourself, a trusted friend can help or again, the TAFE Career's department people. 

Volunteering, when you get past the formal bit (sorry but there is that nowadays ... šŸ˜• ) can be so rewarding and fun! The pressure is a lot less plus you get to put the work experience on your resume too!

Then just keep it updated as you continue your journey of study and work ...

For now maybe it would be good to gently put one foot in front of the other and not be overwhelmed (try...) - just like when you applied to TAFE just like when you did all those other things that when you thought about them seemed too hard, but really were just unknown Smiley Happy

Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Thanks again @Renstar and thank you for your kind words earlier. I think I only saw the word resume on that post and panicked a bit. As it happens I have an appointment with a TAFE counselor next week to discuss my studies and pathway. I can talk to her about a resume too. The whole 'getting into work' process and even volunteering creates great fear for me. I want to do it but am incredibly anxious and fearful. I think of it is the unknown but also that I apparently give off the vibe that I'm confident and in control which is not always helpful for me when I'm falling apart on the inside and am more likely to self-harm after those encounters when I feel insecure. The saying feel the fear and do it anyway doesn't work so well for this little black duck. However, I do have to work towards this one way or another.

Thanks again for your response and posts over the year. I hope you have a good break HeartSmiley Happy

Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member ... what a great idea (and fateful that you should have an appointment next week) ... you can ask about the resume etc. it really is a great resource. Use it!!

The truth is that no-one has go it all sorted out, a lot of us are faking it ... it's what society makes us do Smiley Sad

Just know that whatever you do, whatever happens you are enough; you are always enough. I hope you get that. 

Enjoy your break and well done for getting through TAFE this year  @Former-Member!

Feel free to ask other stuff.

Re: Career Chat // ASK US ANYTHING! // Friday 25 Nov. 12 pm AEDT

Since there doesn't seem to be a queue @Renstar I'm wondering if you can tell me what is likely to happen next February when I come off my exemption from Centrelink (New Start) to look for work. I have had annual exemption for the past three years. I am hoping to do at least one subject at TAFE first semester next year and maybe by then have some small commitment to volunteering. I am wondering what job requirements I am likely to face as this will be very stressful for me. Also any information on finding a job provider etc would be helpful. I'm not sure if you will be around next year on the forum when this all occurs for me.