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Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hi all hi @PeppiPatty was glad this topic came up. In 2008 I was diagnosed with bipolar after ONE uncharacteristic episode of psychosis. I believed that two medications I was taking had interacted to cause this psychosis so I did some research. I won't name the book but I will say the book was about bipolar disorder. A passage in the book says:

"Sometimes an antidepressant (on starting, or because of dose raised or ceased) can cause a high that is purely drug-related - Bipolar II Disorder and not reflect true bipolar disorder."

My psychiatrist, even then, still was adamant I did. Very frustrating! Luckily for me my psychiatrist's stubbornness gave me the motivation to find my own way to recovery. I still take bipolar medication just in case but have found a more effective, more holistic approach to maintaining my mental health (without psychiatrists) 😉

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

dear @Peter_Pan78
now this is very interesting and got a few coments to make.

as im dealing with my life .....everyone knows  here that I've got my son staying with me for a few weeks.and my original family's rections are wearing me down.  My son and me presently in emergency : could just be a headache might be his tumor playing up.
but as im waiting here i can say ;

with my now Good Support behind me

with writing in a safe place i know is checked by moderators who are all living breathing people with their own lives;

with my Psychotherapist behind me 

i would have looked like someone on Bipolar
i forget i forgot that numb stress.
so i agree on medication starting and symtproms of bi polar
yes of showing signs in immense stress

yes still to getting a second opinion

what has struck me is ; the support i got in the past was not good ; i was that purple dyed hair switched on woman with purple boots

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

my sons brain scans came back he is fine. but as usual when i get home got a few observations to make re diagnosis
i am sitting here weak with relief

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Hello @Former-Member, @Robertmelbourne, @PeppiPatty, @NikNik, @Peter_Pan78

Hi, my Husband has been diagnosed with so many things , no one can tell us what he really has , Doctors have written down one of the things he has but he is taking medication for something totally different


Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Dear @Shaz51Thats disguisting on your husband....this is what they did with me for years and if I had enough to cope with 

Son brain tumour

Son MI

Myself sustaned major head injury

Mother who completely hates me


Re: Ask Anything Monday!

I know !!!

Sending you lots of hugs my friend @PeppiPatty

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Where I got help, after not gettinfg help for man years is with a great Gp who rang the local Psych team in the local hospital. 

He just spoke thoroughly to me for one hour and then told me what he felt.

It was spot on great @Shaz51

Your poor husband doesnt need someone to winge about his problems with him, he needs action, he needs you mt friend.



Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Thank you @PeppiPatty, you are a real friend , sometimes I don`t know what to do next HeartHeart

Re: Ask Anything Monday!

Oh @PeppiPatty that's good news re your son
I hated my parents to the point where I tried a different town.
But we now have an honest relationship...

Re: Ask Anything Monday!


Howdy everyone! We are back with AAM after the long weekend last week 🙂

Thank you to @BamBam @Shaz51 @PeppiPatty @Peter_Pan78 and @Robertmelbourne for your responses to the last question.

This week's question is:

Is it bipolar?

I've felt like my mind has been bungee jumping. Sometimes I experience bursts of optimism and motivation and other times I become so anxious and depressed that I want to just to erase all evidence of my pathetic existence. Every once in a while I feel calm and content, but those moments are too few and far between.

How do I know if it's just normal up & down moods, or if it's something more serious?