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Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Thank you @FrankGQuinlan That was a pretty fast and furious session wasn't it!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Thanks @NikNik for putting this together and @FrankGQuinlan for coming along Smiley Happy Now it may be time to use the forum a bit more @FrankGQuinlan so next time you can keep up a bit better lol 

Again thanks to both of you - it is at least a start in being able to discuss what is needed rather than being told by those who don't know!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Let's move forward with determination, hope and faith in our hearts. This desperately needed change will happen.
I encourage all SANE members to email the Orime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull with our stories of the lived experience and the type of changes to the mental health system thT will benefit all of society. No person is immune to developing mental illness or mental dysfunction at some point in their life.

A fabulous discussion. Thak you for the time you have given us tonight.

Perhaps a return visit from @FrankGQuinlan might be appropriate at a later date @NikNik 🎶💕

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Very intresting  @NikNik xx

sorry I came in a bit late

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I contributed in the early stages of that plan and I had to wonder where my contribution might have disappeared to!   Thank you for hosting this forum and to you all for having me here. It was good to connect with like minded people. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Do feel welcome to contribute to other sectios on the forum @matsionoah. We're a friendly and congenital.mob who listen and respond without any kind of judgment.

You may find it a helpful place to voice your cears and concerns knowing that you will be heard. 🎶💕

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Woops! I did mean congenial NOT congenital. 😳

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

Wow, enjoyed all this tonight. Good to know someone's really trying. Thanks Frank xox

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

last night a lovely admin let me know I had included some wrong words in my possibly last post.  It was too late to update and repost when saw that, I left it.  

But today I learned that last night my son did as he has been trying to do for seven years, he left, the way he said he would and now it is too late for him .. I had prepared myself for this and I am already at the very, very angry stage and I am going to reek havock.  Here is the post that didn't make it up last night. 

I've vented here a lot tonight. Thank you.  My son was barely in the community during 2016, spent the better part of two 3 month stays in acute psych ward, two 3 month periods on remand (never goes voluntarily to hearings finally got arrested and kept for missing hearings in 2016 but still none of his hearings that starting building April 2014 heard) ending with almost 7 weeks in secu end of 2016. I don't think he spent even one month in the community. And this is just one of the years he's been 'treated' (with medicines that don't scratch his delusions, give him side effects (grrr) and if Dr's are honest are only intended to SUBDUE him (very, very high doses too) .. I'm with him, no point medicating him at all unless they are going to medicate him with something that actually works. He was managed by the secure team all year and still is and I wonder are they going to manage him for the rest of his sure to be short life.  I believe his 'treatment' involving 3 major hospitals, police from all over, been evicted oh on the street, oh .. yes I believe his treatment has cost a fortune, way more than putting him into a properly secure, well equipped hospital, long term (up to 2 years he will need) for GENUINE TREATMENT where that medicine that worked may be given a chance to properly work and break his psychosis so that he may be able to recognise his illness and then be in a position to engage in is own treatment .. yes and that is categorically his ONLY chance of effectively being treated.

Re: Topic Tuesday // What is mental health reform and why is it important for you // Feb 14, 7-9pm AEDT

I am so sorry you are having such a devastating time. Do you have support at present?