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Re: Hello! I'm a new member and a mum of a much loved 23 year old, recently diagnosed with Schizoeffective Disorder


I’m a mum with a 24 year old son that was diagnosed 2yrs ago with schizoaffective disorder. We live in North West NSW . My sons anxiety impacted on us getting him help for a long time as he wouldn’t leave the house after battling for over 5yrs it took an online mental health appointment when he was in a psychotic state for him to be sectioned and finally we got a diagnosis and support (finally we were heard). I write tonight after he has for a second time being hospitalised and now we are looking at him going on the strongest anti psychotic medication (as he has tried all the others) along with 200mg of antidepressants. My family are now debating about him returning to the family home and I feel torn between my son and the rest of my family. Look after yourself is my number one recommendation.

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