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Welcome and getting started

Re: Welcome rav3n!

thanks @Hope2Recovery , lovely to meet you! 😊

Re: Welcome rav3n!

Hey @rav3n do you like birds? Is that why you picked your username

Re: Welcome rav3n!

Hello @rav3n,


Welcome to the forum family 🤗


Thanks for introducing yourself, it's nice to meet you 

Re: Welcome rav3n!

@ArraDreaming i love crows actually, i think they're such clever birds but i love word 'raven' more than 'crow' (they're quite similar birds right?) hence the name 😂

Would love to know the story behind the username you've chosen! 

Re: Welcome rav3n!

Hey @MermaidHair thanks for the warm welcome, lovely to meet you too 😊

Re: Welcome rav3n!

Hey @rav3n They both important links to culture for me 🖤

Re: Welcome rav3n!

love that @ArraDreaming, thanks for sharing with me 💗

Re: Welcome rav3n!

Arra - Arrernte/Arrarnta
& red kangaroo

Dreaming - Dreamtime

Re: Welcome rav3n!

oh wow! @ArraDreaming  my friend's an Arrernte person too, i didn't know it meant red kangaroo as well 😊

Re: Welcome rav3n!

Nah, it doesn’t, but I mean I have cultural links to the red kanga and what goes with that is totemic spirit being Ara @rav3n
Sorry I explained it wrong

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