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Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi @JKK 


Please don't feel alone. I get what you are saying. Sometimes it's hard to express myself due to depression but you are much supported. The pain you suffer the fear you get in reaching out makes it so hard. Please know you have much support on here. Thankyou for your honesty. I know how hard that feels. 


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks @Paulette for that.

I very much appreciate that.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚


Thanks. Yes it is all wrong with these people. I have anxiety every car I hear that its them coming around.

Yes I have spoken to my wife how we need to grin and bear it till we find another place. Im grateful I have a roof over our heads as I know homelessness is an issue now and see those poor people from the floods are being told to prepare for more coming.

But this place on top of my own depression and my wifes health issues is breaking me.

Thanks again.

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you for sharing @JKK . I hope you will be able to find a more suitable place.


Please take care. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi All


Been an occasional visitor. Had depression for a long time haven't worked for a while. Had a breakdown recently a first psychotic episode I believe. Pretty full on but getting better at managing it. Just looking for advice.




Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hello.  I am new to online help.  I've used phone counselling and my doctors, my overwhelmed but so supportive family.      Not so much friends cos I don't have them outside of my job   And I got a huge massive hole staring at me. I know it and what it is.  I have jumped in it before. Wish I could say I did a Swan dive but it's never elegant in my pit. Sadly I did stay in it for years.  Wallowed swollen till we looked the same.  I fixed that broken girl.  That mother who couldn't.  I did. But 2 colleagues just snapped their fingers and humiliated me in front of all.  That's not so bad right.  It's my boss's neice who is my antagonist in the story.  I can't even. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi i think i need some help ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž


Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi @Hammerbugg,


Can I help you. You seem quite down sorry I was at work and hadn't seen your message until now. Please message me so I can give you some support. I have anxiety and depression. Thinking of you. You have heaps of support here. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi @SunshineWalker ,


I was so feeling for you in your situation. I can see how hard you have worked to look after yourself and improve your mental health. You've done amazing things. I am being bullied by a nasty individual, who constantly seeks to bring me down, telling other colleagues I'm stupid incompetent, should lose my job. His next rant was the next time I stuff up he's off to management to help me lose my job, which I am very find of. In just one day he'd had me breaking down in tears. Another colleague was kind enough to warn me he's determined to get me out of a job. One I am desperate to keep. The bully has no faith in me. Now I'm losing self esteem. My defence mechanism last night was do my hair nicely great makeup and wearing my favourite perfume to give me the courage to face him twice in twelve hours. I faced him with a detached brusque but not rude manner. Said as little as possible and failed to even greet him as I approached the office. I happily greet other colleagues. I was determined he would not bring me down though he is constantly fault finding. I barely acknowledged him this morning. It was the best thing I could do for myself. He constantly expects to find he's inherited some problem I failed to deal with adequately on my shift. Oh wow. Why do people do these things to each other. I have incredible emotional pain right now but I don't bring my issues into work. I feel it's as if I am his punching bag verbally and it's almost become physical. I refuse now after the recent episode with him shaking a fist at me, to get close to him at all. I understand he has some family issues but I'm wondering when the workplace might acknowledge his aggressive behaviour. So I do understand and it's never alright. It's so humiliating for you. Please if you want to talk. You really need support when you go through these horrible times. You need to know you're not alone. I think that behaviour on behalf of the bosses niece was apalling. Clicking your fingers to reprimand an employee in not on. Doesn't matter who she is. The bully usually hides the control freak who really doesn't have control. It's not easy but you need to set barriers. I've been meditating a lot and there was a session on this. It's true. The more you show everything is fine the more the unprofessional and despicable behaviour goes on. Sorry if I've said to much but reading of what you have endured pains me a lot. Take care. 

Re: Welcome! Introduce yourself here ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi @Oldm8 ,


How are you. I'm sorry to hear that you've been suffering. Please believe you are not alone. My goodness I get so much support here, it's so good for the soul. I have anxiety and depression. I manage it day by day. Some days better than others. I find it a struggle to drag myself from bed most days but I find good food, doing something you enjoy and enough rest helps a lot. Most important be gentle in yourself. Loving kindness and kind self talk helps a lot. I want to start journalling to have more self expression that's private. I am an introvert so talking to a lot of people gets scary. I've probably said it before but be gentle. Working is daunting. I'm struggling and desperate to hold a job. I enjoy the work but not an aggressive colleague. It's imperative I work as I've no other means of support and I find it a solace. I feel needed. Please chat if I can help at all. I am thinking of you and there is so much support here. Please chat and express yourself. I know it gets hard but I find it's help to lower my anxiety as this is a supportive environment.