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Casual Contributor


Hi there,if counselling did actually work,wouldn't that mean you re depression is a mild ailment,not a life long condition?

I personally believe counseling is one unfunny joke,and cannot heal in any way whatsoever because counsellors have never had mental illness and if they think talk therapy works the should all purchase alarm clocks as they are dreaming.


Re: Counsellors

Hey @TankySA ,


I'm interested to hear your thoughts about counselling.


Have you ever had counselling before? Counsellors are those who have completed a recognised counselling diploma/degree and are registered with their state's counselling registration body. Some have their own lived experience of mental health, whereas others don't. Having a lived experience of MH is not a pre-requisite for being a counsellor. 


I'm interested to hear your experiences of counselling... and what about psychology?


Whatever it is, the most important thing is that you find what works for you. And sometimes, that takes a bit of trial and error.


Good on you for reaching out. I recognise this is not easy to do in itself.

Re: Counsellors

I have tried about 5 counseling times once was a complete 20 weeks and all I get is derision and told to embrace or collaborate with the counsellor regardless if they believe the emdr or talk therapy that treats one like a stupid teenager, I believe counseling is arrogant and does absolutely nothing . I think it's a scam


[edited by moderator]

Re: Counsellors

Hey @TankySA ,


We are sorry to hear that you haven't had good experiences in the past with counsellors. Yet we also recognise those who have made significant gains working with counsellors.


Would you consider working with a psychologist? or if you value lived experience, perhaps working with a peer worker would be helpful?

Re: Counsellors

Hello @TankySA


Check this out. I saw this book at the Theosophical Society Bookstore many years ago which was written by a Jungian psychologist. Still relevant today. I had my biological sister and two sister-in-laws who were psychologists. 


Screen Shot 2023-11-12 at 9.13.33 pm.png


Re: Counsellors

Hi and welcome, @TankySA 


I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with counselling. 

Personally I've got a lot of healing through counselling. I will always have my 6 mental illnesses, and my trauma can never be fully healed, but they are mostly manageable.

Mind you, I had to wait 18 years and try many different counsellors to find one that clicked, and then another that clicked when that one retired. But it was worth persevering for 18 years, to get that healing. 

Wishing you good wishes.

Re: Counsellors

Thanks however I would never waste my time with arrogant counseling ever again

Most counsellors are safe ,middle class people,who's experience with pain and trauma is limited to a paper cut or a broken finger nail,therefore counsellors have no idea of what real trauma ,despair,fear and self loathing is whatsoever,they are false people,who believe they are smarter and better then others that'd why they are so quick to give you useless advice like make sure you're getting enough sleep and eating properly.

They are arrogant and put you down so they cAN  control the counselling

They are selling snake oil and it's their way or the highway

Counsellors are a road block to real treatment and healing,I despise counseling.

Re: Counsellors

Hey @TankySA 


Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience with one or two counselors, it's important to note that it's not every counselor. 


At the end of the day, everyone is trying to do the best that they can do, no matter what profession they are working within, everyone is on there own healing journey, no one is perfect. It takes a lot of inner spiritual work and healing to be able to sit with people at their lowest moments day in and day out. 


What other means of support do you find helpful in your life?



Re: Counsellors

Spiritual is not real science so that's make believe ,I excersize,eat and sleep properly,I do.everything possible to improve however there is nothing that can tame the madness sadness and badness

In my opinion, treatment is useless or toxic, and mental health treatment is one money making scam