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World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

Happy World Environment Day! 🌏


Sunday the 5th of June was World environment Day.  And we'd love to hear about how nature helps your recovery? 


On this day, the world celebrates all things environment. The theme this year is: Only one Earth 


"In the universe are billions of galaxies, 

In our galaxy are billions of planets, 

But there is #OnlyOneEarth. 

Let’s take care of it." 


Over the last few years, we've seen devastating natural disasters impact our communities all over the country. For many of us, these events and questions over what the world looks like if we don't address climate change impact our mental health.  


So we encourage you to share your experiences of this and also answer the question "How does nature help your recovery?" 


Maybe you like feeling the sun, spending time in nature or writing poetry about the world around us.  


Here's a little of my story: The state of climate change and impact of natural disasters used to make me feel so helpless. My climate anxiety was so bad I couldn't even watch dystopian films anymore (they were my favourite genre!). I'm sure many of us have felt this helplessness and overwhelm. But even small things we can do can help ease these feelings. 


These are some things which really help me feel less helpless and less anxious

  • I'd  go to a nearby park and just sit and listen to the bird and feel the sun 
  • I'd speak to my friends about it. Turns out lots of them felt the same way! 
  • I researched and joined some local groups who helped the local environment and took other actions to help make the climate better for all of us 💚  


In case you're interested, here are some resources on the environment and mental health 


And don't forget theSANE guidelines during this chat. If at any time this content is distressing or you feel like you need more support, please reach out to Lifeline or the SANE counsellors. 


Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

Engaging with nature is definitely the way to go for climate anxiety ... many ways to do it.

I have done substantial digging and planting for me 2-4 hours per day last 6 days. Back aching, but achieved in many different projects and groups.  


Today finally planted out all my vegie seedlings.  A bit short on room so had to "farm out" big plants to guerilla garden to make room in soil! ... Mother nature has her weird and wonderful ways.


Great post @Former-Member


Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

@Appleblossom that sounds so amazing! What veggies did you plant? Also, have you seen the The Community Garden 🙂 topic? Maybe you could share a little bit in there too!


And well done of 6 whole days of such hard work! Thanks for sharing what you've been up to and the action you've taken 💚

Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

@Former-Member Next few days will be on zoom and inside, so that will be a pleasant change.

One of the groups planted up the car park in a train station.  It was well co-ordinated with council supplying mulch and a local business supplying hundreds plants, with vollie labour.  Helps to find like minds.  Yep been on that thread ... thanks.

Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

Hi @Former-Member  I would be lost without my garden. It’s my way of caring for the environment, taking care of my 1/4 patch of ground. Can barely see the house from the road these days with so much greenery surrounding my home. The bird life is a joy to behold (no cats allowed) as well as frogs, bees and any other insect that cares to make home. I’m also a member of our local river care group, restoring natural habitat. Nature is my temple and I’m blessed to be able to inhabit it on a daily basis. 

Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

@Krishna the idea that nature is your temple is so beautiful ❤️ 


Thank you for sharing how special nature is and the joy it gives you each day



Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

Hello @Former-Member the inaccessibility of nature is a stressor for me. And my heart aches when I think of worldwide environmental degradation, destruction of habitat and loss of biodiversity.  

Closer to home, I created and maintained an indigenous garden that others decided to mow down and cut down. Council had awarded me with free plants several times. Neighbours are now targeting one of the last survivors, a large healthy mature eucalypt - they've asked for a meeting to authorise its removal. 

Around me suburban homes and gardens are being moonscaped for redevelopment as apartment blocks, and most of the birds have gone. I can't drive to get to nature reserves or bushland. My local wildlife carer can't keep up with the injured and orphaned critters coming into care after displacement or cat attack. The forests I knew as a child are burnt and logged. 


I've considered paying a carer to take me for walks in bushland reserves. Maybe then nature would help my recovery. In the meantime I agonise over my inability to help nature itself recover, and the futility of protest.




Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

Hi @Former-Member @Appleblossom @Krishna @Dimity 

What an interesting thread and a great subject to discuss!

I really enjoy something called earthing (also known as grounding).  Some say it is a way to connect to the earth's natural healing energies and may help to reduce inflammation, pain, stress and anxiety.  From what I understand it basically means walking outside on natural conductive surfaces (such as grass, sand, soil etc) barefoot.

I really enjoy it - particularly on a nice sunny day and I find it a really nice way to help calm my mind 🙂

Hope you are all enjoying your day!


Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

Good afternoon @Dimity 


Thank you so much for sharing your story and heartache here. Much of the nature close to my home is also being removed to make way for apartments. It can be so difficult. And it can be alienating when those around us don't appreciate what we're trying to do. Having said that, the garden you created sounds beautiful and I'm glad the council see that too! Are there things you or have done before to help the council see the beauty in this tree? 💚


It sounds like a great idea to have a carer take you nature. When I can't get out, I like to even take small moments in the sunshine or watching nature documentaries. Are there other things like this you can do in the meantime?



Re: World Environment Day: How does nature help your recovery?

Ooooh @Dimity Really feeling your distress.  Worse when you put in the work and it was not appreciated and the development demigod dominated.


Dont let them win over you.  Its one thing to lose plants, but do not lose hope, find a way to connect with those who do care. They are out there. It has made a huge difference to me.
