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Re: not coping

ive considered retiring from my jobs @Snowie i dont get any enjoyment from it and ive become the person who only works for money not because its a passion.
but i have no passion for anything. i dont even see the horses much anymore or even grandad. i dont leave the house much unless i have to so usually work and thats it.
i have no interest in life at all anymore and wonder what im still doing here.
i only have the tv on quiet for abit of noise too.

Re: not coping

I can understand that @outlander It's hard when we have lost that passion. Especially when we are just working for the money. To survive.

I will agree, it is so hard to find the passion for things, for anything. What keeps us going? Why are we even here?

Hearing you hon 💕


Re: not coping

there isnt really a reason for me to be here @Snowie
i am struggling with the fact that i have so much pain throughout my body especially right now.
taken more pain relief in hopes it helps but i also know it wont. how can it when its facing so many pain areas and not just one spot.

Re: not coping

I've got no answers for you @outlander 

I know I don't have the pain so I cannot begin to understand what you are going through and what you have to face daily. But I do know the feeling of really questioning why be here.

Sitting with you hon.

Re: not coping

thanks @Snowie
its hard to keep going alot of the time

Re: not coping

It is hard @outlander Extremely hard.

Even just a reprieve from our life, to have some time off, to say we want a break.