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Re: not coping

I can listen hon if you need to get things out @outlander 

Re: not coping

@outlander wrote:
just coming over here.
it is abit of the nature of support work but it also isnt. usually when SW loose a client its because theyve been moved to another client, theres been a complaint or the support worker has burnt out.
that isnt the case. theyve just simply replaced me and taken the clients i had.
ive already changed companies 3 times in one year, this is now the 4th and working with another so i dont want to change again.
i wasnt gone for that long. only a week and a half. i even went back to work early so it isnt really a long time to be away.

Oh, it was only 1.5. weeks you were away. @outlander . Have you asked the company about why? I'm so sorry this has happened. This must feel so deflating. At this time, can you 'pick up' your own clients? I remember you saying that you have your own business, even though it's slightly more work with the invoicing and everything.


Is there anything we can do to make it easier for you?

Re: not coping

yeah @tyme it wasnt even 2 weeks post surgery that i went back because i was so bored. its only light duties and was better then going crazy at home.
i let my registrations expire because i didnt have any clients so to get more clients for myself i would need to renew them. to expensive when its only one client or some here and there.
i dont have the headspace to be running it anyway.
i dont even know if i should be working. i dont feel well enough mentally or physically but with centrelink and ndis declining applications i have no choice but to work

Re: not coping

thanks @Snowie just struggling with well everything about work especially being replaced all the time anywhere i move to.

Re: not coping

is anyone around??

Re: not coping

Hi @outlander 

I am hoping today is going a bit better for you hon.

Sending lots of 💗💗

Re: not coping

Hi @Snowie @outlander 


Hugs to you both.

Re: not coping

Hi @tyme 

Have seen that you're not well at the moment. I hope things start to improve for you soon and you can give yourself that time to get better. Sending lots of 💕💕


Re: not coping

Thanks my dear @Snowie ,


Yes, the shingles are a bit painful, but nothing I can handle.


How are you doing? I'm mindful things have been really hard for you the last few days. Are you at home?

Re: not coping

Even so @tyme they must hurt. I hope you can get some relief from them. I am assuming sleep would be hard, especially if you have to stay in the one position.

I know when I had them, I struggled with clothes irritating them too.


I'm at home, H is with me. Lack of sleep plus what I did hasn't helped today. Just have to deal with the consequences.