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Re: not coping

theres isnt really one in my area that bulk bills @Snowie ive been with this gp practice for about 8 years so im hesitant to change. it never use to be a problem when i had the pension card but since im not recognized as a carer anymore i have to pay full price. i only get about $30 back as well so even though i get some back its still abit of a gap fee

theres a clinic but they are full. there is one bulk billing but i cant even understand them through their accent and lacking in as much english so its to hard for me to communicate so not an overly good option for me

Re: not coping

It is hard to change clinics @outlander I get that. Especially if you've been with them for so long. They have all your history too. Also don't have to start from the beginning again.

Sort of like changing psych's.


Re: not coping

yes definently @Snowie

Re: not coping

Sorry @outlander Had to feed the everyone.

Have you got many night shifts ahead of you?


Re: not coping

i have 2 more nights and 4 more day shifts @Snowie

Re: not coping

Hey hon @outlander 

should be through (or almost) with your shift. I hope it went ok.

Hopefully you can catch up on some sleep.

Re: not coping

thanks @Snowie
finished at 730. have my psych in an hour so just had a quick nap.
having a cup of tea and watching tv atm.
i forgot to print my homework the psych gave me so having to quickly write it up by hand before i go

Re: not coping

Well I hope your psych appointment goes well @outlander 

Hoping that you get your homework done! I've forgotten before too.


Re: not coping

its not to much ive managed to compress some and i can expand with her at the session if she needs more @Snowie
i had it done but i forgot to print it while i was at work last night.
my printer for home is still in storage atm. ihavent had a chance to go get it yet since i moved and surgery

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander ,


Sorry to hear your MH is not well at all. I know how much you are doing in terms of work.


What do you think you will do next? Will you be actively seeking an admission?


Hey @Snowie