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Re: not coping

Some are working, some are not @outlander 


Not sure when admission will be, will depend on work cover too. Mums got a dementia appt. on 8th Feb that I really need to be there for. I know pdoc won't be happy but I can't go in before that.

Speak to pdoc tomorrow again, just by phone.


Have been trying to clean out my linen closet but haven't got very far yet. Just put on another load of bed linen.


What has been happening with you?

Re: not coping

the 8th isnt to far away only about 2 weeks really @Snowie maybe if approved you can be scheduled in 3 weeks time that allows you to go to the appt

im struggling alot at the moment. but trying to be ok for now. its hard being at home. i miss the pet thats gone and it doesnt really feel the same. shes been with me for over 12 years now so her missing presence is definently being felteven though she was an outdoor pet.

have more appts to go across the next couple of weeks as my bladder and liver arent working properly so another specialist to add to the list to find out what is happening and how to resolve it.

ive been having a clearout too mostly the stuff in my room though so i can declutter.

ive been doing more work the past couple of days and really exhausted myself so todays a rest day and early bed thats for sure.

Re: not coping

No pet is more important than another one @outlander whether it be an indoor or outdoors pet. They still mean a lot to us.


Hopefully the specialist will be able to give you some answers soon.

A rest day sounds nice, hopefully you can make some time for yourself.




Re: not coping

is there any reason your having a clean out @Snowie are you upgrading your linens?

i just dontated alot of mine as i got myself a bigger bed so ive brought some new bedding

Re: not coping

Just been watching it get messier and messier @outlander plus have brought a new mattress so some sheets won't fit it. Thats ok, hubby will use them as rags in his garage.


Did all my and son's bedding today and will do daughters tomorrow.

What are you doing tomorrow?

Re: not coping

sorry @Snowie had to go and manage urges

im just doing the horses in the morning and work in the arvo thats about all.

what about you?

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander hon. Wishing you a good day today hon 💕💕

Re: not coping

thanks @Snowie what are you up to today?

Re: not coping

Went to kmart for one thing @outlander Came home with a few more 😁

The did some food shopping and washing. Changed both kids beds.

Now just sitting down having a cuppa and watching tv.


How has your day been?

Re: not coping

oh gosh i never walk out of kmart with just one thing lol @Snowie

im having abit of a tough day. some of the reports for ndis are coming back so theyre abit hard to read as a truth thing. its like lifes being laid out in front of me, many of the reports say im a difficult person.

i have decided to start a new hobby. im going to start scrapbooking. theres s many themed stickers etc these days i thought i would give it ago. i just brought a massive bulk pack for only $40 off facebook so i just need to buy a scrap book now to start