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Casual Contributor

anyone with BPD, how do you treat ur fear of abandonment

i was neglected and abused severely as a child. im on constant fight or flight

even when my friends say goodnight, it feels like they hate me and just abandoned me even tho we'll talk in the morning, its too ridiculous. i just want to talk to my friends. i have suspicions im borderline, but im not able to confirm it because of financial distress.


Re: anyone with BPD, how do you treat ur fear of abandonment

Morning @chainsawlover 


Lovely to virtually meet you and am so glad that you have found yourself here.  Honestly this lovely community on here have had a big impact on my life, they are always willing to listen and offer the best advice.  While I don't have BPD, many on here will be able to relate to you and what you are experiencing. 


Just reading your post and you even said yourself that it was 'ridiculous' that you think you're friends are abandoning you, they are your friends for a reason and they enjoy your company, so trust yourself.  Thinking of you.......Asgard

Re: anyone with BPD, how do you treat ur fear of abandonment

Thank you 😞 it means a lot to be heard

Re: anyone with BPD, how do you treat ur fear of abandonment

Thank you 😞 it means a lot to be seen

Re: anyone with BPD, how do you treat ur fear of abandonment

Hi @chainsawlover 


And how are you doing today, by the way where did that tagname come from, from some unknown reason Bunnings comes to mind.  Me, I love the place, can get lost in there for hours just wandering around.  So whaty makes you tick...........Asgard

Re: anyone with BPD, how do you treat ur fear of abandonment

Hehe, it's actually bc I've got a huge interest in chainsaws. So I love characters with chainsaws (Bubba, Juliet from lollipop chainsaw, Denji Chainsawman, etc,)

I just think they're super cool :^)


Replying to @Asgard