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Re: Riding a wave

Re: Riding a wave

Woohoooo for a new home for your book  @Phoenix_Rising 😄 So glad it landed safely.

That makes sense with what you explained and the quote re the book. To be honest, I was in such a giant mess at that time that I mostly remember the feeling of what you said (that it felt super validating) rather than the specific content other than Linehan, DBT, you're ok to have told the CATT scaries that... etc.

I'm still not 100% sure how I will tackle this. I've been thinking about whether I go in the order in the book, whether I do a module at a time and what module to start with (I think distress tolerance will be so helpful for me), whether to follow a certain scedule, whether to make my own... I think what I will do is start with all the orientation stuff, including having a really good think about what I want to gain from this, probably writing some goals, and working out whether I can measure any changes. I have also decided to talk to my MH worker (who was really pleased to hear I got the book) and my pscyhologist (who I have no doubt will also be pleased to hear it), both who have knowledge and interest in DBT, to see what they think about how to approach this as well. And then decide.

I'm definitely not flying through it though, or planning on flying through it, but I am very keen on getting into the skills themselves 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your day and looking forward to hearing your thoughts about this as you share them!

Better get ready for yoga soon too. Yay for together but not adventures 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

Good night Forum Land. @Former-Member I gather you are watching over the ocean tonight? you know when @flipper will re-appear. I am super busting to meet them. I am so excited about having a dolphin moderator in Forum I can't get the flipper theme song out of my brain. Smiley Very Happy Good night @Former-Member. Super big thank you for watching over the ocean.

sleeping turtle.jpg



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Re: Riding a wave

Yes I am watching over the ocean tonight. I unfortantely dont know when flipper will re-appear but I am sire you will meet them soon Smiley Very Happy

Goodnight @Phoenix_Rising, I hope you have a restful night's sleep. I am keep watch tonight and will make sure the seas are calm Smiley Very Happy

Image result for moon over the ocean

Re: Riding a wave

Hello @Phoenix_Rising 🙂

I'm wondering if today is the day you meet with your turtle whisperer (something is telling me it is). If so, I hope it goes/has gone as well as it has the last couple of times. I also hope the marking gig is going well for you.

That's all really 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

Hi @CheerBear, You are correct that Tuesday morning is Turtle Whisperer time and yes, it went fine. Smiley Happy

Do you want to know a super big secret? I am about to head off for a gigantic adventure...but it is secret turtle business so I can't tell you about it even though I superly duperly want to. I am getting organised for my big adventure - hence my absence from Forum Land today. However, I read your posts in the nest this morning and I trust that you are still feeling ok about your decision. You can never go far wrong if you make a decision based on love and your core values and beliefs.

I have to dash now - secret turtle business beckons. Smiley Very Happy


Re: Riding a wave

Oooh I love super secret adventures, except for the bit where I can't know what it is because it's a secret @Phoenix_Rising!

Sounds very exciting! Hope it's a good one for you 😄

(Glad it went well with turtle whisperer too!)

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBearI am on a super gigantic adventure. It is super fun but I am amazingly and unbelievably overloaded. I super badly wish I could tell you all about it, but alas, it is secret turtle business. It is an overnight adventure. This is the first night I haven't slept in my own home for a VERY long time. However, happily for me, being a turtle, I just need to pull my head into my shell and hey presto, I'm home. Smiley Very Happy

I so very badly wish I could share my adventure with you @CheerBear. It is so superly duperly fun, but I know I am going to super crash when it is over tomorrow night. I really don't cope with big positive feelings any better than big negative feelings. They totally overload my system just the same. I may not appear in Forum Land tomorrow, but I will still be here - even when I'm not. Smiley Happy I may not appear much for the rest of the week either because after the adventure (and recovering from the adventure) I seriously need to get back to my marking gig. 

Ok, well I am going to snuggle into this amazingly unfamiliar bed and hopefully go to sleep. I have my toy turtle with me - yay for being totally non self-conscious about wandering around in public with my turtle. He is having lots of fun too. Smiley Happy

Good night Forum Land. Good night @Former-Member, thank you for watching over the ocean tonight. Oh by the way, @Former-Member I superly duperly liked that picture you posted of the ocean last night. Smiley Happy

sleeping turtle.jpg

Re: Riding a wave

Oh I so wish I could hear more about this adventure @Phoenix_Rising, epsecially now knowing that it is an overnight one! I will settle for knowing that it is gigantic and fun, and dream up a million possible scenarios that are probably way off. I'm very excited and happy for you.

I hope you and your turtle sleep well tonight. Good night 🙂

Re: Riding a wave

@CheerBear and anyone else out on the ocean today, can I just say that you know a hotel is too fancy for a little sea turtle when it takes the little sea turtle fifteen minutes to figure out how to turn the shower on. 😂😂😂