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Procrastination and stress

I'm feeling very overwhelmed with the amount of work I need to do, and yet, I'm window shopping tea online because I can't get myself to work on my assignments. I feel like my mind is jumping from one thing to another. i just don't want to do what I did last semester, leaving assignments at the last moment was very stressful. I feel like a failure. I get a surge of intrusive thoughts when I study  

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Re: Procrastination and stress

That's really tough @creative_writer 


Pushing yourself to study can be hard enough, but having to deal with intrusive thoughts once you've gotten over that hurdle makes it that much more difficult.


Have you ever found a study pattern/strategy that makes this a little more manageable? Like taking breaks with a pomodoro-type method?


It's such a shame how rigid our structures of schooling are. You are forced to work and learn in such specific, unflexible ways which just don't work for so many people, so struggling with it absolutely 100% does not make you a failure. 

Re: Procrastination and stress

@Ru-bee CPTSD intrusive thoughts tend to pop up when I am studying. Maybe I do need to unload because I let my emotions bottle. I have a counselling appointment this afternoon, I'm hoping that will help. Though sometimes I do find reaching out for support and not being able to get to the core of it because I do not want to face my emotions.

I sort of drift in and out of study quite a bit. I don't have a proper structure, i think that adds to the stress. My ASD brain thrives on structure and being on top of things. While my ADHD brain encourages me to procrastinate and craves novelty, so I end up doing non-productive things just so I can get a dopamine rush as it helps me avoid the pain of living with CPTSD

Re: Procrastination and stress

Hey there, yes it sounds tough.

You are not a failure, have faith in yourself. It helps me to make a list of 2-3 main things I want done in the day (mainly at the start of the day or the night before) - and I count anything extra as bonus.
It helps take the pressure off.

Try to break things down.
For me, I also try to "create flow" and dont force myself until im in the zone.
Sometimes working out of a cafe helps me get in the zone, or the library. And once im in the zone, I am able to focus better and not worry about how much work is pending.

Try to remember, you are never a failure. Your worth, anybody's worth is never defined by grades or the work they do. You inherently are worthy 🙂

Hope this helps a bit. I will check in again, here to be a support.

Re: Procrastination and stress

@creative_writer  define non-productive things.  Your post reminds me of David Graebers work. I miss him so much. The way society defines productive is damaging to the planet and our mental health.  Go easy on yourself.


A few years ago I stumbled across the concept of Kairos and Kronos:

Chronos means the tyranny of time.  Eg deadlines, days months years etc .  Being a slave to time (productive)

Kairos: the liberty of timelessness.  Eg spending time at a museum,-  you lose track of time.  You can just.... be.


in 2007 i spent a day at a meditation and trauma therapy course.  The guy running it talked about how in Aboriginal language there are no words for "past, present and future".  They dont have a concept of it in their language/culture.  They instead describe it as "now" or "a time other than now".  He said they lived in a culture of timelessness.  The idea stuck with me ever since.


There is nothing wrong with the dopamine rush.  That is why we exist.  It is just that social media gives us micro dopamine rushes and monetises it.  Find what gives you joy.  It is what it means to be human in a necro-capitalist world that constantly wants to deny us our humanity.


Apologies if i am getting deep.


In terms of study.  As a ptsd survivor who just came out of an abusive family, it was very hard for me to complete those three years just to get a job where I rent myself out for money to survive.  I felt I could never do it again, even years after I completed it.  Yeah things did get better with my brain and I could focus but I still to this day couldnt go back to uni.  I find teaching myself and learning at my own pace way better.  Perhaps it is not so much about our "broken brains" but a broken education system within a wider broken political system.  We all feel it.  Try not to internalise it too much.

Re: Procrastination and stress

Hi @creative_writer 


I'm sorry to hear about the intrusive thoughts. That would definitely make studying alot harder to deal with. It's also totally understandable that you are feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to do... uni seems to have a way of making everything due on the same week!


It's good that you have recognised that you don't want to be in a similar situation that you were previously in with leaving things to the last minute.


I'm wondering if you have looked into disability support services at your University? When I was studying I had a plan made for me due to my PTSD that gave me a bit more breathing space with assignments etc. I just needed evidence from my Dr for this. Student support services can also help with study tips etc than can help find techniques that work for you.


I found that scrolling on my phone was a big distraction for me when I was trying to get things done, so I would often leave it in a different room and set myself a time frame that I had to sit down and study for before I could walk away and check my phone/watch TV etc. I called this my "shut up and write" time... it was only about 20mins at a time and then I allowed myself a 10-15min break. Even though the time was quite short it helped me focus for such a short time as I knew I would have a break soon. Not sure if this would work for you and the intrusive thoughts, but may be worth a try.


I also find that breaking big tasks into smaller goals helps to make things not seem as overwhelming... for an assignment the small goal for one day might be finding appropriate documents for references, or writing a skeleton plan of how the assignment would be set up, or writing just one section. The small tasks eventually build on each other and by the time you've done 5 days worth of small tasks the assignment has a big chunk completed.


Also you are not a failure! You seem like a very strong person and have a great self-awareness understanding of what's going on for you. It's OK to need support from others and I hope you are finding it here on the forums đź’™


Warm regards




Re: Procrastination and stress

@scruffypuffball I think we do often get caught up in worry about future and ruminating about the past. I think our busy lifestyles encourage us to lose touch with the present. It’s all about achievements too. Society tells us if you work hard enough you will be happy and satisfied, yet, many people get there and are far from satisfied. I think being so academically driven puts a lot of stress on me, I always strive for perfection because I feel like I would be more worthy once I achieve it. I know none of us are perfect. I find myself feeling frustrated and fear that my MI puts me at disadvantage to my peers.

@SkySeeker22 the thing is I have gotten extensions for most of my assignments at uni but still managed to leave everything to the last minute. My phone is a very big distraction, always craving that dopamine hit from it. Maybe I do need to put my phone away as hard as it will be. Not sure if it’ll work for intrusive thoughts but can give it a try

Re: Procrastination and stress

I'm hearing you @creative_writer .


In a way, it's good you notice that it is probably your phone that is a distraction and you can perhaps do something about it.


Do whatever works for you.


I spent the morning in the sun today. Have you had your dose of sun today?


I had a blood test a while back and only just got the results back yesterday. Looks like my iron is severely lacking again which may be the reason why I have headaches, fainting etc... 


How are your iron levels?


Hope you are feeling okay today.

Re: Procrastination and stress

@tyme I believe I haven’t had a blood test done since last year. Nothing medically was found from it. I do get chronic pain in various areas of my body, my hands have been annoying me, but X-rays were completely clear. I suppose no more ginger peeling for me. The pain sort of flared up after peeling ginger.

I do have an appointment with a female GP to discuss my period, but it isn’t until next week. Male GPs usually don’t understand.

I have been out for uni today. Just resting up now, it’s been a crazy day with emotions. How was your day?

Re: Procrastination and stress

I had a good day in the sunshine today @creative_writer .


The kids are on school holidays, so I'm spending a lot of time with them. I was fixing their bikes today, but I think there's puncture, so I'm going to the bike shop to get it serviced tomorrow. 


That's about it 🙂