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Re: Panic attacks - feeling like I'm already dead

Thanks a lot @MermaidHair. I'm honestly not sure if my current GP specialises in mental health or not. Because of my living situations I've jumped around to different sides of this city and am often changing my doctor as they always end up 1hr+ travel time away... 

Anyway, this comment was really supportive as I am moving again in a week. Taking that into consideration will be a great help.


Re: Panic attacks - feeling like I'm already dead

I didn't know it was a thing either @Bambiii until I found my doctor. I've been with him for 2 years now but if you check out GPs profiles or about sections it will say what they specialise in. Some will be things like, Womans health, Skin cancer/checks, Mens Health etc. More and more GPs are specialising in mental health as there is such need in communities to bridge the gap. If you have a healthcare card or concession card you can also access some psychology services for free or at a discounted price which your GP can arrange.


I hear you with the having to move around a lot, that must make things difficult too. I hope you get settled well into your new place



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