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Re: Not Coping

Yep @ENKELI  I am the same as you with everything you just said  I am happy to be your friend if that's allowed 

Re: Not Coping

thats tough @ENKELI im sorry that people around you arent supportive. i understand not having a supportive family.
i know you mentioned not being able to old down a job but have you considered a volunteer position, something that sparks an interest. it doesnt need to be a long shift or anything. just an hour or 2 at an animal shelter or a homeless hub. i find for me helping to give back helps me to feel okeven for a little while

Re: Not Coping

maybe you havent found the right one for you @bartart23 it took me 7 psychologists across the past few years to finally find one that stopped saying im sorry but i cant help you. i finally found the right one. i do take medications for my mental health but i also understand it not being the be all and end all.
i focussed on being less reliant on mh professinals and trying to find the things that worked for me. it was really hard and i had to work really hard and try not to give up on things i felt werent overly helpful at the time. it took a while to work out what helped but now i do finally have some go to strategies although they dont always work. i would encourage you to do some research into a psychologist that would best suit you. make enquiries with them personally-many will do a 10 minute consult to see if they are the right fit for you.

Re: Not Coping

Good on you ❤️

I've tired and tired nobody cares about me I don't see a point in saying anything anymore because I get told the same shit everytime by different people
Dw about me I am loving life with voices they are my friends I'm mentally ill and sick sorry

Re: Not Coping

@bartart23 I'd be honoured to have you as a friend 🙂

Re: Not Coping

Yay I hope you're ok with a young friend I am young ❤️

Re: Not Coping

@outlander the comment about not being able to hold down a job was a low blow from my father.
Up until a year ago I spent most of my non paid working hours volunteering and it began affecting my mental health so I gave it up.
I need to work as I have a mortgage and car loan and being single (yeah no body wants me) I'm the only one responsible for the bills.
What I find hardest is well meaning Christians who tell me that I need to pray more, or spend more time in Bible study etc. 
It's like what @bartart23 has been going through, "do this and you will be better." 
Mental health doesn't work that way. 
Do you have any hobbies @bartart23? What are your interests?

I am usually up late as we are 3 hours behind in WA so if you need or want to chat, hit me up 🙂

Re: Not Coping

Lol I figured you were younger. But then I think I am probably one of the oldest people on the forum!

I don't think age really matters when you have something in common. 


Re: Not Coping

Happy to chat I don't even sleep at night haha

Does anyone have pets ?

Re: Not Coping

Haha 🤣 I pissed myself laughing
Just some people might find it uncomfortable chatting to a young person ❤️

Do we know all the peer workers are I think I only know one the j one
I am just trying to see who is who just a little confused