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Re: My special place

Hi @Sans911, hi @Shaz51
Hope there been some good in your day 🌸

Re: My special place

@Sans911yeah it shoud be ok. She lives in quite a big country town so might try and do something with the kids too whilst we are up there. 

You got any plans for tomorrow?

Re: My special place

@Catcakes - I had a decent (read=real) coffee this morning and a slow meander back to where I'm staying right now. So anything that involves decent coffee is good. Otherwise doing not much else but reading and relaxing.

@Snowie - my foster is back in the city for a river cruise for a friend's daughter's hens night (that's a mouthful in one sentence!). I'm going up to my foster sister's daughter's (another mouthful sorry lol) house in the morning to meet her for breakfast. Then I'll come back here, and maybe walk down to the markets early afternoon. These markets are very well known, so they can be jam packed with people. Depends whether I feel I can tolerate that as I often can't.

Re: My special place

@Sans911that sounds like a nice day especially if you can make it to the markets. I understand crowds however, don't really like shopping centres especially on weekends, way too busy for me.

@Catcakesdo you have to drive far to visit your Nana?

Re: My special place

My mum lives about 40 mins and my partner’s
Mum 45. I go to my mum about 4-5 days a week as I’m her main carer.
Both our Mums are 87 years old.
I call it Nana visiting as they are our kids Nanas 😊

Re: My special place

@Snowie-I have 2 shopping centres near me that are quite small and not too noisy or crowded. I go to these for my grocery shopping and browsing. Then there are 2 massive shopping centres in different directions of which one is almost doubling in size, and the other is expanding too. I only go to these if I need something the others don't have but I never stay very long and I park my car as far away as possible from the exits. This helps me to wind down a little after I leave and I often get a nice shady spot where there are few cars to hit mine or shopping trollies that career into my car because people are a little careless.

Re: My special place

So @Catcakes how old are you? That's a fair age of 87. My foster mother turns 84 tommorow. She going out for a Chinese meal with family, but I won't be going as she lives 3 hours away.

Re: My special place

@Catcakesthat is really good of you to care for your mother. I used to be a carer for my father so know how difficult it is.


Re: My special place

Yeah @Snowie, it is hard
But I wouldn’t not do it....

Re: My special place

I’m 53 @Sans911. My mum’s youngest 😊