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Re: My special place

Hearing that you're just needing to get it out and don't need a response, but I just wanted you to know I'm sitting with you @Snowie 

Re: My special place

My sister and her h were at the stage you’re at @Snowie but then respite became available at a lovely facility and after respite mum was able to stay there. Mum even admitted she was in a good place and eventually stopped saying how she looked after her mother until the end.


It does eventually happen hon



Re: My special place

Thanks @Ru-bee but what's done is done. Can't unhear the words, can't undo things.


@Eve7 I'm so glad to hear things worked out for your mum and she was in a lovely place. I hope that gave you peace of mind.

Re: My special place

sending you love @Snowie