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Something’s not right

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow ,


Hope you are okay. I read that it is a difficult time for you. We know how much D means to you.


If you feel you need to speak to someone, please reach out. Hope you are okay.


Lifeline 13 11 14

SCBS 1300 659 467


Can you confirm if you are safe for now? 


Hugs @Bow 


I'm around if you need a chat.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Locked the house up @tyme  put the animals to bed and took my meds and have crawled in bed. 
hopefully D will be ok and if not hopefully I’ll hear my phone if they call. 
I have nothing to get up for in the morning 

Safe as can b 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow Night hun, hope the rest of your night flies by; you'll have your D back in your arms all too soon! 💜💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

D made it! She slept the night at school. I kept waking to check my phone incase I missed a call from school, and I didn’t get up till 8am, which was nice. 

now I need to fill the day

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Psych called today…. She can’t fit me in anytime next week 😩 of all weeks to miss an appointment while my mum is away…. 

I’ve struggled today. 

Re: My Mosaic

Sorry @Bow. I missed the notification and didn’t want you to feel unsupported.


Thats awesome that D made it through the night. It makes a difference if there are friends around. 

Sorry your psych can’t fit you in. It’s probably not helpful to hear but you have done it before with your mother away. I’m sure you can this time too. What would happen to D if something was to go wrong? 

I believe in you, you just need to believe in yourself.


Sorry if that’s invalidating 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks for replying @Captain24  feeling really alone at the moment. 

Was so good to see D after school today. I got lots of hugs. One of the teacher said that she was upset last night and wanted to come home, but she sat down next to her and held her hand and she was out to it pretty quick. 

I know I’ve done it before when mum has been away, and when D and I have gone away. Things feel different this year. ED is loud and dominating and I know how much I can push myself. I won’t go into details cause I’ll get into trouble. 

I’ve struggled today. Felt lost. Pottered around the house a lot doing random things and then stopping. I bought a couple of cheap knock off lego sets from online, started one of them this arvo. So far it’s ok. 

are you ok?

Re: My Mosaic

I’m glad the teacher helped her through @Bow. Now she knows that she can do it. 

I bet there were lots of cuddles. You both would have missed each other the same. 

Im sorry about the ED. How long is your mum away for? 

Ot must be different having the house to yourself. Do you think that tomorrow may be different with having your daughter home tonight and in the morning? You will have the regular routine? 

I haven’t looked at the knock off sets. What are you building? I got another one in the post yesterday. The Super Nintendo set. 

I’ve had a reasonable day. I am proud of myself. I went to a work event and even spoke up in front of everyone and felt comfortable! That is massive. 

Re: My Mosaic

So happy to hear D spent the night at school @Bow I really hope she enjoyed herself.


I'm sorry that you can't get in to see your psych. Not the best week for that to happen.

Please remember you have us here to help you through it. I know it's not the same as having those supports in real life.


Sending 💕💕

Re: My Mosaic

Just checking in to see how tonight is going for you @Bow?


Im here for you

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