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Re: Morning has broken

Well today went better than expected. The family all came over and we kept it simple, just sausage sandwiches and bought cake. A former teacher of my sons and his wife visited for afternoon tea so out came the good china and silverware lol. The visiting couple were genuinely interested to know how we were all coping today...still some kindhearted people in this world.

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 I'm so glad that yesterday went better than expected. Sometimes just keeping things simple is the best thing. Less stress for everyone.

There still are some lovely people out there that do care.


I hope today goes well for you hon 💕💕

Re: Morning has broken

I hope you have a good day @Snowie . Do you have anything planned?

Re: Morning has broken

I quickly went to the shops and finished of D birthday present. It's her birthday on Friday. 

Home now listening to the wind, very windy here.


What have you got planned for today @Eve7?


Re: Morning has broken

I will start spring cleaning my bedroom @Snowie. I need to do a big cull in my wardrobe now that I'm not working and then go through all the paperwork stored in my room. Today is supposed to be hot and a new weather record is being predicted but it's not too bad yet.


I also plan to go for a bike ride after completing today's task in the bedroom. How old is D?

Re: Morning has broken

Wow @Eve7 sounds like a busy day for you. I hope you get everything done that you want.

Hopefully it's not too hot for when you go on the bike ride. I've got my oodie on here to stay warm!

Do you normally ride for long?


D will be 19. 

Re: Morning has broken

I’m just doing one bit of my room today @Snowie . I haven’t been on my bike for a while so won’t be going too far and I need a new helmet.


Have you been watching the paralympics? I love what those people have managed to overcome.

Re: Morning has broken

Don't even own a bike @Eve7!!


I have been watching the paralympics. I think they are amazing. What they can do should be celebrated more. It's a shame it's not on tv as much as the olympics were. 

Re: Morning has broken


Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7  - so sorry about the first Fathers Day without S2 😢


I'm glad your pancreatic cyst is not too bad 🤞


Am amazed you are going to get up to 35C up there this week. Here the top today is 19C - I think that's excellent compared to the winter we've had.