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Re: I want to do everything all at once... HELP!

Thanks @tyme 

I've been adding things to the list and checking them off these past couple of days.  


Unfortunately I seem to have abandoned my focus on my health and exercise schedule as a result though. 


It's been really tough to transition from this focus on the other project, which basically took up all my time and energy, to coming back home and having my own life to keep sorted. 


My house is a mess, and so am I.


I've done stuff, but  none of it has really been the 'maintenance' stuff that I know I should be doing day-do-day. 


It all just seems too much. My mind wants to do EVERYTHING else but the regular boring stuff.  


I mean, it's 4am again and I'm awake, here, shopping on ebay for a new lap timer watch that will *surely* assist in keeping me fit, right? ha!  


Instead of going for a walk, or eating a healthy meal... I'm looking for a fix.  


A new phone holder... 

A new computer (in parts, because it's not 'mine' unless I build it myself)... 

A new band to go and see live (final tour!)...

A new guitar course... 

Join a gym?  pfft, build your own home gym, duh

And every attempt to get some kind of social recognition for my hilarious sense of humour, but usually met by crickets from my group...




I've heard buying a new notebook helps haha!  


OK, list of jobs.  I'm sure I can hyperfocus on cleaning the house for a bit, right?  


OK... ok! 


Re: I want to do everything all at once... HELP!

I attended a professional learning today on wellbeing. In this session, they spoke about 1-2 mins movement break every 45-60 mins is enough to support one's mental health and wellbeing @KirSa_EnigmA 


As for your to-do list, good on you for having one in the first place. 


On Tuesday, I actually completed my to-do list! I felt so good that I haven't written another to-do list


Do what works @KirSa_EnigmA . If you feel you can clean your house, go for it. If you can't, then leave it.

Re: I want to do everything all at once... HELP!

Being bipolar isn't easy @KirSa_EnigmA and I remember the pressures of thoughts and impulses in the middle of the night. Be kind to yourself, it sounds as though you're doing well. Todo lists are good but so is recognising when we need to draw breath and ease up a little.