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Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 ,


You are totally making sense. So it needs to fit in with them.


I don't have any particular plans for the weekend except the forums.


I may take the kids bike riding.


Just wondering, do you want to connect to the Yarning Space Hub to have a look? No pressure.

Re: I can’t cope

It does @tyme but I need to fit in with work too. 🤷‍♀️ 


A bike ride sounds nice. When I look back at my childhood it was the little things that make memories. 

I wasn’t sure if I belonged there. 

Re: I can’t cope

"Belong"? It for anyone who identifies as ATSI @Captain24 🙂


It's just in a trial mode, but more than interested to hear your thoughts. It's quiet over there. We are looking at running a live event soon. I can keep you in the loop if you are interested.

Re: I can’t cope

I didn’t know you identified @Captain24 😎

Re: I can’t cope

come and introduce yourself like where your from and that.

Re: I can’t cope

who’s your mob mate

Re: I can’t cope

I’ll have a look @tyme. I’m just a regular person not fully spiritual. That’s why I didn’t think like I belonged. I’ll check it out.

Yeah keep me updated… I want to help where I can. 

I’ve got house cleaning and lawn mowing to do tomorrow then Sunday I want to try and do two assessments but only submit one to see if I’m doing it right. 





Re: I can’t cope

Nice. @Captain24 . What's the weather like on your side? It's been pretty bleak here. Not nice weather for lawns... but you like the heat, right?

Re: I can’t cope

I’m a Wiradjuri @ArraDreaming 

Re: I can’t cope

Nice is that the land your on or how you identify 😊