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Re: I can’t cope

The place I use to live in was hard to beat and cool as the system was in the dining/kitchen. So I struggled to get it in the lounge room. @Jynx 


Can you fix the gap? 

35 sounds so nice! I’d a been in a hellva mess if it was that here today. 


My family came here from Ireland in the 1800’s so we are acclimatised now! How long ago did your family come out? 

Yeah.. my head is still pounding and I’m really cold. 

My day has been productive, I’ve done a lot. But I also made a massive step forward. My bestie asked me to help her with something and I said ‘no’ that I was busy! HHUUGGEE

Re: I can’t cope

I got heaps done. @tyme Damaged myself in the process but I am just taking it easy now. The rest of my lawn can wait. 

Sounds like you’ve had a productive day as well. I hope the swim was nice.. 


Did you see my Lego pick? It’s pretty cute. 

Have you been sharing a bed or get to sleep on your own? 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 hmm the gap is tricky... basically my house is sloooowly getting reclaimed by the earth lol - so the door is literally unable to close into the frame properly. I did report it to RE agent but the handyman said he couldn't fix it cos it's a structural issue. Only thing I can think of is to try to put something in the gap but I am having trouble finding something that won't also stop me from you know, using the door 😅


I mean probably in the 1900's too, I think my family have been here a while... I have noticed though, generally when people grow up in really hot climates they can't wait to get to the cold, but growing up in the cold makes em keen on the heat. Northern NSW also being a lot more humid, and add in my EXTREMELY SOFT AND SENSITIVE SKIN and you got a cranky pants who hates being sticky 🤣


Oh wow, heck yes BOUNDARIES!! How did she respond? 

Re: I can’t cope

That sounds rough @Jynx. Your own little lean too.. I guess the rent is ok and you can’t move? I guess you need to, like, use the door. 

I have found that people like the opposite. But here has extreme heat and extreme cold so I guess I just get to decide. I decide the heat is for me. One thing I have noticed is that if you are born in the colder months you like the heat and burn in the hotter months like the cold. 

I never heard back from her! I probably couldn’t fix it anyway. But I am so proud. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 yeah I sincerely doubt there's ANYWHERE else I could find where I could live alone, afford rent, be near to the city, and have space for my kitties!! So I put up with a lot 😅 


Oh truuuue!! My bday is end of Feb so the tail end of summer. Always hated that it was hot on my bday!! 


She might be a little put off or uncomfortable at first - totally normal when people have come to expect us to always say 'yes'!! It's normal to get a little bit of push back when we first start expressing boundaries so if she does take a while to respond, definitely don't take it personally!! 

Re: I can’t cope

It’s when I hear stories like yours that I feel grateful for my house but at the same time really guilty. @Jynx Mum and dads house is falling down, they make me feel guilty. 

My birthday is the end of May so it was always cold. Parties were always hard but I didn’t get to have many anyway. Wasn’t allowed. 

I’ve been pushing back a little and I feel really bad. I don’t think she will like it. I’m scared she will take it personally and think him being horrible. 

Im so cold and can’t warm up. I think I’m sicker than I thought. 

Re: I can’t cope

Is your Lego the turntable? @Captain24  Is so, it is very cute. How big is it?


BTW, what have you done with the grand piano lego? I still really like that one.


As for sleeping, I've had my niece EVERY night. It's bad, but I can't say no. I ended up putting a spiky shakti neck pillow in between us so she wouldn't sleep across the bed!


And for two nights, I slept on the floor.... arghhh.... 


I'm too soft when it comes to them. It's so bad!


As for tomorrow, I'm going to sleep at someone else's house. They are having an operation and they live alone, so I'll go over in the evening just in case they aren't well.


My niece knows about it and just then said, "Can I still sleep on your bed when you're gone?" I told her she'd be scared lol. She'll be in the house alone.


What are you doing at the moment?

Re: I can’t cope


We had a ball of a time in the pool. Well I did while Ruby watched @Captain24 

Re: I can’t cope

That looks so nice @tyme. You are really lucky. Does Ruby like the water? 

Re: I can’t cope

Ruby went lala when I turned on the hose yesterday @Captain24 . But she doesn't get into this pool. It's salt chlorinated, so I don't think she likes it. She just sat on the deck. I just realised the other photo of Ruby didn't show! I'll try load it from my phone. Takes so long to load from my phone.