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Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm


Well done on going to the appointment and for letting him know that you are struggling and need help. He's probably right in saying it would be good to open up more to you pdoc. (SO much harder to do than say though!) If i had any reports they'd probably be very similar... and in court they read things out that was similar about not openly at times and becoming 'monosyllabic' when very stressed. doh! I too didnt have a great up bringing and its hard to overcome that stuff but not impossible and because of our past struggles we're already stronger than most so we can do it 🙂 But i get terrified any time i have to be truly honest about myself so I kinda get it..

You've started the conversations now, and your gp will do some of the work for your next pdoc appointment by letting them know that you're struggling. Maybe write down a list of stuff that you want to say to your pdoc next time and you could always just give them the list if you feel you cant say it, i find it easier to answer questions than tos tart things myself... but you might have other strategies that work best for you!

No matter what, we're all going to be here listening and caring! Take care of yourself, do some nice things just for you tonight and tomorrow... favourite movie, bubble bath, chocolate hehe, whatever 🙂




Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Thank you all for listening to me moaning.

He said maybe if I write down everthing I'm thinking, then I can just give it to her. I figure that's better than nothing...

Up at the farm tomorrow, we're clipping the cattle ready in preparation for the show. First show is on the 29th, then Royal the week after.

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Clipping the cattle will be fun! Can't believe its nearly show time already!

Have to disagree with the 'moaning'! It's not moaning, its sharing a small part of the load that you're carrying... and something that everyone here can understand just how heavy the load can be... so feel free to put the load down a little bit by chatting about it here, and like Karen said too, sometimes this is the best place to be 'heard' in some ways.

I hope the farm also gives you some fun and peace tomorrow,


Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Tomorrow is another day. I hope it is brighter that today.

Sending you a big hug

Take care and stay safe


Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

don't be too hard on yourself, we all struggle, we all fight.  all we can do isstay in the present.


i hope you manage some rest tonight

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

@hiddenite I love your new pic!! 😄 😄

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Hi @Crazy_Bug_Lady

How did the clipping go today? Hope your animals behaved for you 😄 I remember one heifer we had to get sedated because she was crazy (a hereford) and she ended up falling asleep and kept sitting down DOH! 

Did they get a wash first or leavnig that for show days?

Hope today felt a bit better and you were able to have some fun,


Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Thanks Lj
Jacques told me how to do it. Now I have to work on loading my own photo.

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Hey LJ,

Clipping went well, all 10 animals are mostly clipped. They will need a little more on show day, but that's cool.

Everyone went really well with the clipping, they didn't really move. My steer was a complete darling, he wouldn't let me clip his brisket (underside of the neck) unless he had his head on my shoulder. Really wish he wasn't such a sweetie, makes it hard for him to go. 😡

Yeah, we have to wash them first so they're all clean for the clippers.

I pretty much did the full clip job on one of our bulls, he gets quite nervy around men, and doesn't like the clipping chute. At least this way if he can't be clipped at the show he'll look passable.

Clipping is where I start to get a bit excited/nervous. It's nearly showtime!!

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

oh yes!! it does make it hard to let them go when they are so sooky! But i always tried to remember that of all the animals going on the truck, mine had such a great, loved and special life...

Way to go on the clipping!

How are you holding up today? When do you see your p/doc next?