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Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Hi from me too @Crazy_Bug_Lady

Hope my post did not trigger you.

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

dear @Crazy_Bug_Lady 


 how are you tonight ? Like like  the support your getting here

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Hey LJ, how are you going???
Yeah I had another appointment with my Pdoc on Tuesday, next appointment is after the show. I'm panicking in the lead-up to the show, but I'm sure once I'm there I'll be fine. She on the other hand is very worried about how I will handle it. She thinks I should take naps during the day, to make up for the lack of sleep. Hahahaha. Not happening. 1. I don't sleep during the day, and I don't wish to start. 2. I'm actually likely gonna go to bed and get up about the time as I do at home. 3. Most days I'm gonna sit there and laze about.
We're almost ready. My Dad's been coming up to the farm and playing Judge for us, as most of the animals see a man and freak. And we will be at Gawler Show weekend after next, so that'll be cool.
Freaking out about everything, but I've convinced myself that once I'm there I'll be fine.
Been out all day, tattooing the cows (ear tattoos for identification) then dropped my car off for a service, then catch up with parents so on and so on. I missed Friday Feast. 😢

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Whoops, didn't see these posts.
No @Appleblossom , you didn't trigger me. How are you atm??
Hey @PeppiPatty !! Long time no see. Yeah, this forum is lovely, honestly, I'll be struggling for ages, and it feels like it's not till I come here and rant or ask the questions I want to ask people but I am too scared too. Everyone is always understanding and happy to lend their own experience.
That's what makes us all friends.
Love you guys.

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Glad to hear you busy at the farm. I am delicate but ok..

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

isnt that cool, every day I waSnt posting, i felt it but it wasnt long and oh, did I miss you all. I was seeing  Psychotherapist about memories / dreams of me Dad taking my home and that I wasnt lying. 

How do you move on ? You do. 

Im trying to get to the libary to get books on writing what Feminism means for women in Australia over with Mi and living not wealthy. 


Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

Thats great about being ready for the show! It's so exciting! I guess the psych is just being cautious and maybe giving you suggestions just in case! But yeah there will be plenty of down time in between things! It's so exciting that you're going to the show!!! lol its infectios obviously, i wish i were going lol! Great that your dad is able to come up to help with the prep, hopefully they'll settle alright once they're there. We used to put a little bit of red cordial in their water at the show lol to give them something to focus on in their stalls that they liked if they were being really twtichy and unsettled. 😄 I remember one poll shorthorn that we took (he was so big he was in the J ap class) was so relaxed we could have used him to give rides on for kids lol. He sat down in the ring on my and it took three stewards and me to convince him to please stand up and continue walking around in circles lol! 

I always over think things and work myself up in the lead up to things. I hate waiting, i get so anxious and then when i get to whatever it is, its usually only 1/4 as bad as i imagined or completely fine! But at least you're prepared i guess lol! fingers crossed the rest of the prep goes smoothly!



Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

I just wrote a long reply LJ, but my silly phone lost it. 😢
I'm not rewriting it.
Long day, and I have to work tomorrow 😞

I get really nervous about being away from home, and sleeping away from home. I'm taking my sleeping bag, and a blanket from my bed and one of my smaller soft animals I sleep with. I know I'm an adult, yes, I still sleep with a toy, and yes, I have trouble sleeping without my blanket. I figure 10 days away, I need to sleep and be comfortable. And my friend I'm sharing a locker with has known me since high school (10 years) so I know she won't judge.

Thanks for the reminder!! I need to get more red cordial!! We use it as Adelaide water tastes different, so they get used to flavoured water at home, so it tastes similar at Show.

Yeah, my bull will the the lazy one that lies down... He lies down as soon as he's tied up. And if he's tied high so he can't lie down he makes whingy sounds till you let him down. So trying to keep him up and clean on show day will be impossible.

So for all that I pretty much wrote all I did before.

Nighty night, I'll catch up tomorrow. 🙂

Re: How to talk to a GP or other mental health professional about self-harm

hehe thanks! Yes it will cover the taste of the water too!

I have a blanket that goes with me anywhere that I have to sleep! And i have two teddies (the kids gave them to me for mothers day this year) that I sleep wiht 😄 I dont think its that unusal, and its good that you know what you need!

Yes I remember you saying that you had your friend going, that's awesome and glad that you feel comfortable with her! The days go fast once you're there and even though there's lots of down time its exhausting, so hopefully you'll sleep well! 

Can't wait to hear all about it and how you go!!