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Re: Hi

Hi @MDT ,


 You know what? I'm usually a very resilient and positive person, but this lockdown is making things drab.


I spoke to my mentor at work yesterday, and she said that there's research out there to show that the cumulative effects of COVID lockdown over the 6 lockdown here in Melbourne has caused people to slump this time round....


So there we go... we're not alone. 

I was reflecting on why I felt so average this time round, and couldn't think why. Now I know. 

I can't do much in terms of changing the pandemic, but I can change how I react towards it. So this far, I'm maintaining sleep, healthy eating, excercise, and scheduled in extra appointments with my formal sports.


Thats about all I can really do.


@MDT , we're all in this storm together. But our boats look different - take the raft or choose the cruise liner.



Senior Contributor

Re: Hi

Hey my friend @MDT 

I am sorry you're struggling.  I hate reading when you're like this 😞

Pls know yoiu are a great guy who has lots of talent

yes this lockdown is horrible, the loss of connection with others, seeing things, doing stuff - it really sucks

here i am in lockdown 6 and it's really affecting everyone more so with this one I feel

but we can get through this


hugs my friend xxxooo


hi @BPDSurvivor 

Re: Hi



I felt like you do earlier in the year.  I was loving my Tafe subjects but i had no way to apply the lessons information so it was a slog to get anything done.  What i ended up doing was looking for volunteer work that incorporated what i was trying to learn.  


Now i have a new bunch of people to talk to that have similar interests as me, and not feeling alone when doing the work, as made me more motivated. I can reach out, talk about what i have learnt and get fresh perspectives with others. 


Is volunteering for a cause aligned with your uni subject something you might consider and would it make you feel more motivated if you were connected to others who share that same interest?

Community Guide

Re: Hi

Hi @oceangirl @Judi9877 @NiteKat @LostAngel @frog @BPDSurvivor @BlueBay @AussieRecharger

thank you for your words and encouragement

I am trying - that's probably worth remembering. I haven't given up. It feels like I should sometimes tbh but i guess i havent so far and that's a testament to something at least.

Gonna just do whatever comes today. Idk anymore. Gonna be strategically late for my meeting so it isn't awkward at the start.

I can sense many of us are in the same boat re: covid and such.
Community Guide

Re: Hi

I like that idea a lot. I'm going to need to look into that through seek. I can add that to my task list.
Senior Contributor

Re: Hi


Hey there. Sorry to hear you're struggling. I don't know you well (even through the forums) but you seem like a resilient person, important to this community...

Overall, definitely not a loser!

But yeah, even without your other problems at the moment- boredom sucks 😞

Community Guide

Re: Hi

Thanks @StuF
Trying my best despite all the crap being tossed at me by others
Community Guide

Re: Hi

To clarify - others in real life. Not the forum. Forum is probably the only place where I'm not experiencing it
Community Guide

Re: Hi

evening all

today was okay

thought it would be better than it was. Work has become a slog. For so many reasons. I'm really bored of it

I miss the normal world

will watch some olympics tonight
Senior Contributor

Re: Hi


Hope you found something in the Paralympics to watch. I must try to remember to watch some tomorrow!


Me off to bed now. Have a good night