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Re: Feeling so sad, so lost

here for you anytime @Former-Member its good to hear thats some brightness in your days and that your sadness is no longer controlling you 🙂 Heart

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Re: Feeling so sad, so lost

Your kindness is so very much appreciated @outlander . Sometimes even kindness makes me cry, but today, it's making me smile.

After having been dismissed for so long for 'not tryng hard enough to get well', finally being heard and understood makes such an incredible difference to my wellbeing. 

There's so many really kind and thoughtful people here. Heart Hopefully we can all share in some uplifting moments. 

Re: Feeling so sad, so lost

♥♥♥ @Former-Member

Re: Feeling so sad, so lost

i am so glad that your feeling supported, heard and validated here @Former-Member we take care of each other Heart 

Not applicable

Re: Feeling so sad, so lost

@Former-Member is wonderful to hear that you are have some nicer days and being able to enjoy them:) im glad you have found a place to be heard and understood here ❤❤